Thursday 21 July 2011

Women's prayer method

كتاب المقنع      مؤلف : الشيخ الاقدم ابي جعفر الصدوق

Al Muqni'a by Shaikh Sadooq (ra) 

 إذا قامت المرأة في صلاتها ضمّت رجليها ، ووضعت يديها على فخذيها ، ولا تطأطأ كثيراً لئلاّ ترتفع عجيزتها ، فإذا أرادت السّجود جلست ثمّ سجدت لاطئة بالأرض.
    وإذا أرادت النهوض إلى القيام ، رفعت رأسها من السّجود وجلست على إليتيها ، ليس كما يقعي الرجل ، ثمّ نهضت إلى القيام من غير أن ترفع عجيزتها ، ( تنسلّ انسلالا ) وإذا قعدت للتشهّد رفعت رجليها وضمّت فخذيها

Section on the woman's prayer

When the woman would stand for her prayer she would join together her legs and place her hands on her thighs, and not bow too much so as not to raise her buttocks. Then when she would intend to prostrate she would sit then prostrate clinging to the ground. And when she would intend to get up to stand, she would raise her head from prostration and sit* on her buttocks, not like how a man sits, then get up to stand without raising her buttocks (slipping/creeping stealthily) and when would she sit* for tashahhud she would lift her legs and join together her thighs.

الهداية للشيخ الصدوق

Al Hidaya by Shaikh Sadooq (ra)
٦٧ - باب صلاة المرأة

إذا قامت المرأة في صلاتها ، ضمت رجليها ، ووضعت يديها على صدرها مكان ثدييها
فاذا ركعت وضعت يديها على فخذيها ، ولا تطأطأ كثيرا ، لئلا ترفع عجيزتها فاذا أرادت السجود
جلست ، ثم سجدت لاطئة بالارض فاذا أرادت النهوض إلى القيام ، رفعت رأسها من السجود
وجلست ، ثم تنهض إلى القيام ، من غير ان ترفع عجيزتها ، وإذا قعدت للتشهد رفعت رجليها ،
وضمت فخذيها

68- Section on woman's prayer

When the woman would stand for her prayer she would join together her legs and put her hands on her chest at place of her breasts. Then when she would do ruku' (bowing in prayer) she would put her hands on her thighs and not bend too much so as not to raise her buttocks. Then when she would intend to prostrate, she would sit then prostrate clinging to the ground. Then when she would intend to get up to stand, she would lift her head from prostration and sit, then get up to stand without raising her buttocks. And when she would sit* for tashahhud, she would lift her legs and join together her thighs.

*Translator's note: Here is a picture from a ja'fri women's prayer manual illustrating the women's sitting posture during prayer as described above:


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