Friday 4 January 2013

Sending la'nah, obligatory?

 الفوائد الطوسية للحر العاملي، م‍ح‍م‍د ب‍ن‌ ح‍س‍ن، صفحه ٥١٥

 Fawaid al Tusiya by Shaikh Hurr al Amili, page 515

و ‌أما‌ الروايات‌ الشريفة فهي‌ أكثر ‌من‌ ‌أن‌ تحصي‌ و ‌من‌ أرادها فليرجع‌ ‌إلي‌ كتب‌ الحديث‌ المشتملة ‌علي‌ الأحكام‌ الشرعية ‌بل‌ و أحاديث‌ الأصول‌ و غيرها ‌فإن‌ أكثر الواجبات‌ ‌إن‌ ‌لم‌ يكن‌ كلها: ‌قد‌ ورد لعن‌ تاركها، و أكثر المحرمات‌ ‌إن‌ ‌لم‌ يكن‌ كلها ‌قد‌ ورد لعن‌ فاعلها و أكثر الاعتقادات‌ الصحيحة ‌قد‌ ورد كفر منكرها و لعنه‌ و أكثر الاعتقادات‌ الفاسدة ‌قد‌ ورد كفر صاحبها و لعنه‌، و ‌أما‌ لعن‌ المتقدمين‌ ‌علي‌ أمير المؤمنين‌ ‌عليه‌ السّلام‌ و المحاربين‌ ‌له‌ فالذي‌ ورد ‌فيه‌ أكثر ‌من‌ ‌إن‌ يحصي‌ و اجتماع‌ أسباب‌ اللعن‌ فيهم‌ ‌أو‌ أكثرها أوضح‌ ‌من‌ ‌أن‌ يخفي‌، ‌قد‌ وردت‌ ‌به‌ روايات‌ علماء السنة فضلا ‌عن‌ روايات‌ الشيعة و ‌كذا‌ لعن‌ ‌کل‌ ‌من‌ خالف‌ ‌في‌ الإمامة و ‌كذا‌ لعن‌ بني‌ أمية و ‌كذا‌ لعن‌ الصوفية عموما و خصوصا و ‌قد‌ ‌روي‌ ‌الشيخ‌ الثقة الجليل‌ عمر ‌بن‌ ‌عبد‌ العزيز الكشي‌ ‌في‌ كتاب‌ الرجال‌ ‌عن‌ ‌محمّد‌ ‌بن‌ قولويه‌ و الحسين‌ ‌بن‌ ‌الحسن‌ ‌بن‌ بندار القمي‌ جميعا ‌عن‌ سعد ‌بن‌ ‌عبد‌ اللّه‌ ‌عن‌ إبراهيم‌ ‌بن‌ مهزيار و ‌محمّد‌ ‌بن‌ عيسي‌ ‌عن‌ ‌علي‌ ‌بن‌ مهزيار ‌عن‌ ابي‌ ‌جعفر‌ يعني‌ ‌الثاني‌ ‌عليه‌ السّلام‌ ‌في‌ حديث‌ ‌قال‌ ‌قال‌ رسول‌ اللّه‌ ‌صلي‌ اللّه‌ ‌عليه‌ و آله‌ ‌من‌ تأثم‌ ‌أن‌ يلعن‌ ‌من‌ لعنه‌ اللّه‌ فعليه‌ لعنة اللّه‌ و ناهيك‌ بهذا الحديث‌ الشريف‌ الصحيح‌ السند الصريح‌ الدلالة و ‌ما اشتمل‌ ‌عليه‌ ‌من‌ التأكيد و المبالغة ‌مع‌ ضم‌ الآيات‌ القرآنية السابقة حجة ‌علي‌ ‌من‌ توقف‌ ‌في‌ ‌ذلک‌، و ‌قد‌ ‌روي‌ ‌في‌ عدة أحاديث‌ معتمدة ‌أن‌ ولاية النبي‌ و الأئمة (ع‌) ‌لا‌ تقبل‌ ‌إلا‌ بالبراءة ‌من‌ أعدائهم‌ و ‌أنّه‌ تجب‌ عداوة الكافر و الفاسق‌ و تحرم‌ محبتهما و موالاتهما

As for ahadith (about la'an), so they are too many to be counted, so one who wishes to pursue them should refer to the books of ahadith dealing with the Islamic laws. In fact, he should consult the books of ahadith on aqaid (ideology/beliefs) and others, for indeed in most, if not all, obligatory issues a la'an has been issued for the one who abandons them; and in most, if not all, haram acts, a la'nah has been issued for the one who undertakes them. And for most correct beliefs, takfeer and la'nah has been issued for the one who rejects them; and for most corrupt beliefs, takfeer and la'nah has been issued for the one who professes by them.

As for la'nah on Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, as well as those who waged war against Imam Ali (such as Ayesha, Talha, Zubair, Muawiyah, Khawarij etc), so la'nah has been issued on them in so many ahadith that they are too many to be counted, and the manifestation of the reasons of la'nah in them, or most of them (i.e. the 3 caliphs and those who waged war against Imam Ali), is just too obvious to be a secret. This has been reported in narrations from Sunni scholars also (for example sunni reports do mention the misdeeds of the 3 caliphs, however they are either discarded by them, interpreted away, or sometimes even considered praiseworthy deeds instead by the sunnis), as well as in shia ahadith such as (they also even include) la'nah on everyone who rejects/opposes the imamah, all the bani umayyah, and the sufis in general as well as in particular. The trustworthy and honorable Shaikh, Umar b. Abdel Aziz al Kashi (ra) reported in the book of rijal (Rijal Kashi) from Muhammad b. Qulawey and al Hussain b. al Hasan b. Bandar al qumi, both from Sa'd b. Abdullah from Ibrahim b. Mahzyar and Muhamad b. 'Isa, from Ali b. Mahzyar, from Imam al Jawad (as), who said: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever considers it a sin (hesitates) to send la'nah on the one on whom is Allah's la'nah, then upon him himself is Allah's la'nah." This noble hadith is absolutely great, it is sahih in terms of sanad and completely explicit. It is absolutely commanding and along with the Qur'anic ayat (verses) presented earlier (about la'nah), is a hujjah upon one who ponders on that. And it has been reported in so many authentic ahadith that wilayah of the Prophet (pbuh) and the Imams (as) is not accepted, except with tabarrah from their enemies; and it is obligatory to be hostile to the kuffar and the sinners, and it is haram to like them and and befriend them.

خطبة الجمعة لسماحة العلامة المحقق السيد هاشم الهاشمي        27 جمادى الأولى 1425 هـ الموافق 16 / 7 / 2004م

Friday prayer semon by Ayatullah Syed Hashim al Hashmi, on 27 Jamadi al Thani 1425 AH (16 July 2004)

روى الكشي بسند صحيح عن محمد بن قولويه والحسين بن الحسن بن بندار القمي، قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، قال: حدثني إبراهيم بن مهزيار ومحمد بن عيسى بن عبيد، عن علي بن مهزيار، قال: سمعت أبا جعفر الثاني ( أي الجواد) عليه السلام يقول وقد ذكر عنده أبا الخطاب: «لعن الله أبا الخطاب، ولعن أصحابه، ولعن الشاكين في لعنه، ولعن من قد وقف في ذلك وشك فيه».
ثم قال:« هذا أبو الغمر وجعفر بن واقد وهاشم بن أبي هاشم استأكلوا بنا الناس، فصاروا دعاة يدعون الناس إلى ما دعا إليه أبو الخطاب لعنه الله ولعنهم معه، ولعن من قبل ذلك منهم، يا علي لا تتحرجن من لعنهم، لعنهم الله، فإن الله قد لعنهم».
ثم قال (ع): «قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: من تأثم أن يلعن من لعنه الله فقد لعنه الله». (اختيار معرفة الرجال ص528 ح1012، عنه معجم رجال الحديث ج4 ص134، وأقر الخوئي صحة السند في المعجم ج14 ص256

Shaikh Kashi (ra) reported in a sahih (authentic) hadith (in Rijal Kashi) from Muhammad b. Qulawey and al Hussain b. al Hasan b. Bandar al qumi, who said: Told us Sa'd b. Abdullah: Told me Ibrahim b. Mahzyar and Muhamad b. 'Isa b. Ubaid, from Ali b. Mahzyar, who said: 

"I heard Imam Jawad (as) say, while the mention of Aba al Khattab (a ghali) was made in his presence: "May the la'nah (damnation) of Allah (swt) be on Aba al Khattab, and la'nah on his companions, la'nah on those who are upset by the la'nah made on him, and la'nah on the one who restrains from that (i.e. doing la'nah) and has doubt about it." Imam (as) then said: "Abu al Ghumr, Ja'far b. Farqad and Hashim b. abi Hashim, they drive the people away from us, for they have become preachers who call the people towards what Abul Khattab used to call for, la'nah of Allah (swt) be on him and those who were with him, and la'nah on one who accepts that (i.e. the deviant call) from them. O Ali! Do not be embarrassed of sending la'nah on them, may (more of) Allah's la'nah be on them, for indeed Allah's la'nah is on them."

Imam Jawad (as) then said: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever considers it a sin to send la'nah on the one on whom is Allah's la'nah, then upon him himself is Allah's la'nah.*"

(Source: Ikhtiyar Ma'arifatur Rijal by Shaikh Tusi, Page 528 Hadith 1012. Ayatullah Khoei quoted this hadith in his Mu'jam Rijal al Hadith Volume 4 Page 134, and he graded the sanad of this hadith sahih in Volume 14, Page 256)

*Translator's note: It has been shown in a previous post that the Imams (as) invoked la'nah on shaikhain. Click here.


  1. Please stop creating fitna, here is what authentic hadith say: 'Man is either your brother in faith, or your brother in humanity' (Nahjul Balagha).

    Sunnis are our brothers in islam, and insulting their religious figures is not allowed. Think about it, did our imams ever curse their enemies? It is upto Allah to judge, we can not judge.

  2. Salam, I find your blog amazing, brother. You seem to have absolutely no issue with the content of your blog (due to it's controversial nature), unlike 95% of the Shias. I suggest you start posting the serious stuff in Shia'ism, for example, how it is halal to lie to innovators and kuffar in order to refute them, and how back-biting against innovators and kuffar is halal. Then, go deeper, post hadith that are hateful towards the kuffar. I would be very interested in seeing those types of blogs.

  3. Salam brother

    Brother bhooka why don't you post on shiachat anymore? Have you left it completely or are you on a temporary leave? Please come back, we all miss you a lot!

    Btw, your blog is very good, keep up the good work. Jazakallah Khair.

  4. ^^Because this buffoon was banned from there.
