Saturday 26 January 2013

How to cure black magic

التبيان - الشيخ الطوسي - ج ١ - الصفحة ٣٧٤

Al Tibyan by Shaikh Tusi, Volume 1 Page 374

وقيل في معنى السحر أربعة أقوال:
أحدها - انه خدع ومخاريق، وتمويهات لا حقيقة لها يخيل إلى المسحور أن لها حقيقة.
والثاني - انه اخذ بالعين على وجه الحيلة.
والثالث - انه قلب الحيوان من صورة إلى صورة، وانشاء الأجسام على وجه الاختراع فيمكن الساحر ان يقلب الانسان حمارا وينشئ أجساما.
والرابع - انه ضرب من خدمة الجن كالذي يمسك له التجدل فيصرع، وأقرب الأقوال الأول، لان كل شئ خرج عن العادة الخارقة، فإنه لا يجوز أن يتأتى من الساحر. ومن جوز للساحر شيئا من هذا، فقد كفر لأنه لا يمكنه مع ذلك العلم بصحة المعجزات الدالة على النبوات، لأنه أجاز مثله من جهة الحيلة والسحر

قال ابن الأثير في النهاية (2/26) (المخاريق جمع مخراق وهو في الأصل ثوب يلف ويضرب به الصبيان بعضهم بعضا

There are (mainly) four views about magic:

1. It is simply deception and childish trickery. It is completely fake and there is no reality to it. It is just that the one being tricked gets deluded into thinking that it is real.

2. It is an optical illusion.

3. It is the transformation of a creature from one form to another, therefore creating a body (seemingly) out of nowhere. So it is possible for the magician to transform a human into a donkey and create a (new) body (i.e. of the donkey, into which the human has been transformed).

4. It is the infliction of a strike with the help of the jinn, such as when the person being possessed is cued, he goes into a fit.

The correct view out of these is the first one (i.e. that magic is just fake trickery and nothing else), because anything that is against the natural order, is beyond the power of a magician. Whoever believes that a magician can perform out of the ordinary acts (such as make someone sick or poor, cause obstacles in a woman getting married or conceiving a child etc) has committed absolute kufr, because with such an assumption it is then not even possible to ascertain the authenticity of the miracles of the prophets as then those miracles could be dismissed as being magic tricks.

السرائر - ابن إدريس الحلي - ج ٣ - الصفحة ٥٣٣

Al Sarair by Ibn Idris al Hilli, Volume 3 Page 533

ولا حقيقة للسحر، وإنما هو تخيل وشعبذة، وعند بعض المخالفين أن له حقيقة

And there is no reality at all of magic, it is just an illusion and trickery, but some mukhalifeen (non shias) believe (foolishly) that it is real.

قواعد الأحكام - العلامة الحلي - ج ٢ - الصفحة ٩

Qawaid al Ahkam by Allama Hilli, Volume 2 Page 9

وتعلم السحر وتعليمه، وهو: كلام يتكلم به أو يكتبه أو رقية، أو يعمل شيئا يؤثر في بدن المسحور أو قلبه أو عقله من غير مباشرة، والأقرب أنه لا حقيقة له وإنما هو تخييل وعلى كل تقدير لو استحله قتل

Teaching or learning magic: Magic can be a spell which is vocalised, written, blown onto knots, or doing something which (supposedly) effects the body, heart or mind of the victim indirectly (i.e. without any direct physical contact). But the correct view is that there is no reality to magic and it is just an illusion. But in any case, if someone considers it (doing idiotic acts like blowing onto knots or reciting a so called spell) halal then he is worthy of death penalty in Islam.

مفتاح الكرامة - السيد محمد جواد العاملي - ج ١٢ - الصفحة ٢٣١

Miftah al Karamah by Syed Jawwad al Amuli, Volume 12 Page 231

[في بيان حقيقة السحر] قوله: (والأقرب أنه لا حقيقة له وإنما هو تخييل) كما هو خيرة الأكثر كما في " الدروس (1) والمسالك (2) " ومذهب كثير كما في " الروضة (3) " وقد يظهر من صاحب " الخرائج والجرائح (4) " أنه إجماعي بين المسلمين.
قلت: لعله كذلك، إذ هو صريح الرازي (5) والبيضاوي (6) والآمدي (7) (والواحدي - خ ل) ومولانا الطبرسي (8) والشيخ (9) وفخر الإسلام (10). وهو ظاهر كلام ابن الأثير (11) وابن فارس (12) والجوهري (13) والفيومي (14)وقال في " الدروس (1) ": قيل أكثره تخاييل وبعضه حقيقي، فظاهره التردد كصريح الكركي (2) والقطيفي وإن كان الكركي قد ذهب إلى أن له تأثيرا من جهة الوهم لا من جهة الحقيقة

Explanation about the reality of magic: Allama Hilli stated about magic that "the correct view is that there is no reality to magic and it is just an illusion", as is the opinion of the majority of Shia scholars. This is evident from Shahid al Awwal's book "Al Durus" and Shahid al Thani's "Masalik al Afham". It is the view of the great majority (of shia scholars) as seen in Shahid al Thani's "Sharh Lum'a", and Shaikh Rawandi stated in "Al Kharaij wal Jaraih" that it is the ijma (consensus) of the Muslims that there is no reality at all of magic.

I (i.e.Syed Jawad al Amuli) say: Perhaps it (the claim of ijma) is correct because Raazi, Bedawi, Al Amdi, Wahidi (all sunni scholars) as well as Shaikh Tabrisi, Shaikh Tusi and Fakhrul Muhaqiqqin dimissed the reality of magic. This is also what is apparent from the words of Ibn al Athir, Ibn Faris, Al Johari and Al Fuyoomi...........And Muhaqqiq Karaki leaned towards the view that magic can have an effect due to imagination (i.e. people deluding themselves into believing in magic and losing peace of mind, which then may indirectly effect them negatively) not because there is an actual reality to it.

مصباح الفقاهة - السيد الخوئي - ج 1 - ص 445

Mibahul Fuqaha by Ayatullah Khoei, Volume 1 Page 445

يقطع بأن السحر ليست له حقيقة واقعية

It is proven without a shadow of doubt that there is no actual reality of magic (it is just childish tricks) 


  1. So what is the cure??

  2. @Anonymous: Salam,

    The only cure is to stop in the nonsense of magic. Otherwise there is no cure, because one can't cure something which doesn't exist in the first place.

    That said, problems attributed to black magic are most often caused by normal natural causes with a rational explanation (for e.g. genuine medical problems). So after the first step of ceasing to believe in magic, the next step should be to strive HARD in solving those problems via natural means (for example, if 3-4 doctors are unable to diagnose a medical problem, it doesn't mean that it is a black magic problem, seek further medical assistance from different set of experts then).

    Of course, there are times when one may feel completely at a loss, unable to identify the cause of the problem(s) and any related solutions despite having exhausted all efforts. But that doesn't mean that such a problem is a black magic problem. After all this world is a place for trials. If all big problems are to be attributed to black magic, then where would the trials from Allah fit in? Yes, some problems may well have supernatural causes, but that cause is Allah (the greatest of all supernatural powers) not some lowly magician. Allah may involve a person in a problem due to his sins, or to test him and reward him for his patience or perhaps there maybe other wisdom of Allah for many problems which seem very painful can be a big blessing in disguise which becomes evident only later. So in the case of 'supernatural' problems, one should sincerely pray to Allah (instead of believing in magic and going to an exorcist for solution, which is a grave sin. That way the person ends up losing his money[dunya] as well as akhirah).

    1. Salaam Brother.

      I want to know what does follwing Ayahs means?

      "[Yusufali 2:102] They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (Such things) without saying: "We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme." They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew!"

      Is Magic referred in this Ayat childish things which people learned? And this magic is something which can sow discord bewtween couples on whom ALLAH (SWT) has bestowed Love and Mercy.

      "[Yusufali 6:128] One day will He gather them all together, (and say): "O ye assembly of Jinns! Much (toll) did ye take of men." Their friends amongst men will say: "Our Lord! we made profit from each other: but (alas!) we reached our term - which thou didst appoint for us." He will say: "The Fire be your dwelling-place: you will dwell therein for ever, except as Allah willeth." for thy Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge."

      How did Humans profit from Jinn? And what kind of profit Humans recieve from Jinn?


  3. Edit: First line should read "Stop BELIEVING in the nonsense of magic"

  4. You are confusing yourself between simple magic tricks vs the work of the Jins. I have seen with my two eyes how the Jin can affect a man to be so sick. I mean very sick to the point of vomitting filthy objects covered in blood. Get real mate. Read and interpret again what the maraje says. Real life is not this simple.

  5. Yeah magic is a spell on eyes and ears according to imams a.s. So it is unreal. How about Sifl I.e., black magic as people call it. I heard that there is a book on Sifl and its treatment given by imam Ali a.s.

  6. Once again this man bhooka makes a controversial post and when questioned, decides to run away leaving the readers in confusion. Way to go.

    And how can magic be mere "trickery" when it is even mentioned in the Qoran!

  7. Well actually the one being challenged are those ulema who said so.

    1. The writings of the ulema have a context, and this man bhooka has repeatedly been caught misquoting scholars out of context. So this trick of "ulema said so" is a massive fail, because we don't know in what context they said this and i am sure bhooka is misquoting them again to promote his own evil agenda.

    2. Will you provide the context of the `ulemaa that Bhooka doesn't?
