Friday 28 September 2012

Ghali vs Muqassir

الأمالي - الشيخ الطوسي - الصفحة ٦٥٠

Al Amali by Shaikh Tusi, page 650

1349 / 12 - وعنه، قال: أخبرنا الحسين بن عبيد الله، قال: أخبرنا أحمد بن محمد بن يحيى العطار، قال: حدثنا أبي، عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد، عن العباس ابن معروف، عن عبد الرحمن بن مسلم، عن فضيل بن يسار، قال: قال الصادق (عليه السلام): احذروا على شبابكم الغلاة لا يفسدونهم، فإن الغلاة شر خلق الله، يصغرون عظمة الله، ويدعون الربوبية لعباد الله، والله إن الغلاة شر من اليهود والنصارى والمجوس والذين أشركوا.
ثم قال (عليه السلام): إلينا يرجع الغالي فلا نقبله، وبنا يلحق المقصر فنقبله. فقيل له:
كيف ذلك، يا بن رسول الله؟ قال: لان الغالي قد اعتاد ترك الصلاة والزكاة والصيام والحج، فلا يقدر على ترك عادته، وعلى الرجوع إلى طاعة الله (عز وجل) أبدا، وإن المقصر إذا عرف عمل وأطاع.

12/1349- And from him, who said: Informed us al Hussain b. Ubaidillah, who said: Informed us Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Yahya al Attar, who said: Told us my father, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid, from al Abbas b. Ma'roof, from Abdur Rahman b. Muslim, from Fudail b. Yassar, who said:

Imam al Sadiq (as) said: "Protect your youth, so that the ghulat do not corrupt them, for indeed the ghulat are the most evil makhlooq of Allah. They lessen the glory of Allah and claim divinity for the slaves of Allah. By Allah! Indeed the ghulat are worse than the Jews, Christians, Majoos, and those who do polytheism."

The Imam further continued: "When the ghali reverts to us, we do not accept him, while when the muqassir joins us we accept him." So the Imam was asked: "And why is that, O son of the Prophet (pbuh)?" Imam replied: "Because the ghali is habituated to the abandonment of salat, zakah, fasting and hajj, so he is incapable of breaking his habit and ever returning to the obedience of Allah (awj), and indeed the muqassir when he realizes (our position) then he acts and obeys."


Ayatullah Ja'farSubhani (Kuliyyat fi Ilmir rijal, Page 96): Authentic

Ayatullah Kamal alHaydari (Ilmul Imam, Page 526): Authentic

Ayatullah Hussaini al Milani (Al Ismah, Page43): Authentic


  1. Subhanallah nice hadees.

    I wanted to add few extra bits here. A muqassir is of two types ; one who is muqassir mutlaq and the other is muqassir taali (one who lags behind). The first is an enemy of ahlulbayth a.s as he denies their fadail and does not seek marifa of imam a.s. and the second is someone who will accept their status. So momin has been commanded to be between a ghali and a taali; in a way that he brings the ghali back and pulls the taali forward without straining his emaan.

  2. So we should all become muqassir like you lol?

  3. ^If you follow the ahaadeeth of the ma'sumeen (as), how can you be a muqassir or a ghaali?

    Interesting hadeeth; jazaakallaah khayr.

  4. so Imam is suggesting there is no ghulat who fasts and prays? then what about the shia of today? they pray and fast and hold ghalis beliefs as per ur view so is the Imam wrong? does every ghali not pray and fast ans so it can also mean i can be such a strong ghali but if I pray and fast im not a super ghali?

    Also Imam (as) isnt praising taqseer just mentioning which one he would accept...

    1. Subhan'Allah how you ghulat even question the Imam (alayhis salam) because of your ghali.

  5. as-salaam, I have to agree with anonymous (1/10), these days we have so many ghulat who are very skilled and strict when it comes to matters of fiqh, but at the same time call people to shirk on a massive scale, these people really are the most vile creatures under the sun.

  6. Salam

    Great narration which to a certain extends gives info on a type of Ghali.
    Thanks for sharing.

