Monday 31 January 2011

How to debate with non shias?

محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن إسماعيل، عن أبي إسماعيل السراج، عن ابن مسكان، عن ثابت أبي سعيد قال: قال لي أبوعبدالله (عليه السلام):

يا ثابت مالكم وللناس، كفوا عن الناس ولا تدعوا أحدا إلى أمركم، فوالله لو أن أهل السماء وأهل الارض اجتمعوا على أن يضلوا عبدا يريد الله هداه ما استطعاعوا، كفوا عن الناس ولا يقول أحدكم: أخي وابن عمي وجاري، فإن الله عزوجل إذا أراد بعبد خيرا طيب روحه، فلايسمع بمعروف إلا عرفه ولا بمنكر إلا أنكره، ثم يقذف الله في قلبه كلمة يجمع بها أمره

Imam al Sadiq(AS) said to Thabit "What have you got to do with the common people (non shias)? Stay away from them! Don't Call people towards amr(command/affair) of you people. Even if everyone wanted to misguide a man whom Allah(SWT) wants to guide, they won't be able to do so. Stay away from common people (non shias) and don't think he's my brother, neighbor etc. When Allah(SWT) wills good for someone He purifies his soul so when he hears the truth he accepts it and rejects falsehood. Allah(SWT) puts a kalma in his heart that he stays steadfast on truth."


  1. - "Amri-kum" isn't "Imamat"... and nor does it say "Mukhalifeen/sunni/majority" anywhere..
    - But this is relevant as the Abbasids and taqiyya came into play from the 6th Imam (as) onwards

    -> and in this context, Qur'an (60:1-2) is also very relevant with the hadith: "O you who believe! do not take My enemy and your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord? If you go forth struggling hard in My path and seeking My pleasure, would you manifest love to them? And I know what you conceal and what you manifest; and whoever of you does this, he indeed has gone astray from the straight path.(1) If they find you, they will be your enemies, and will stretch forth towards you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they ardently desire that you may disbelieve.(2)" Commentary: "...There cannot be any intimacy with the enemies of your faith and people, who are persecuting your faith and seeking to destroy you and your faith...The command to avoid contact with the enemies of the truth is the basis of the doctrine of tabarra. Tabarra is not vulgar vilification or wanton abuse. It is that which has been commanded in this verse."

  2. Assalaamu `Alaykum Brother,

    When you translate a hadeeth, it is best not to put your own "interpretation" to the hadeeth. THe best thing is to translate it word-for-word. That way you are not putting words into the mouths of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS). And your translation was a little off.

    This hadeeth is majhool / da`eef anyways because thre is no tawtheeq for Thaabit bin Sa`eed (primary narrator).

    It never says mukhaalifeen / `aamah. It says "al-naas" (people). So it doesn't mean ONLY sunnis. So specifying this hadeeth to just sunnis, is wrong. Also the hadeeth says "amrikum" (your command) not "amrinaa" (our command).

    Wa `Alaykum Assalaam.

  3. @Nader: Wasalam,

    I'd forgotten about this post, lol. Yeah, you've a good point. I've edited my post. In fact next time I'll try my best to post ahadith which are explicit in themselves. I try my best not to put my own interpretation/comments.

  4. What a stupid baseless saying

  5. Booka,why do you always lie and stating weak hadeeth by changing it words which suits yours stance?Mr Zaveer is exposing yours lies and misguidance almost everywhere.I am glad he is an honest and learned person who putting you on track otherwise out of Millions Shias no one bother if you attribute lies to Imams.Have some shame,dont be so shameless that by every deceiving post you just admit it by "lol".

  6. " ....Stay away from common people (non shias) ..."
    lol afraid he will revert to true Islam(non-shia) ...hahaha ....

  7. Thanks for this bro bhooka, there are many hadith in this regard, rejecting the word of Imams [as] is equivalent to Kufr.

    1. Abu Ali al-ashari has narrated from Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-jabbar from abu najran from abu jamilah from Jabir who has narrated the following from Abu Ja'far [as]:

      'The Messenger of Allah [saww] has said: 'O Community of the readers of the Holy Qur'an, be pious before Allah [azwj] in the matters of the responsibility that he [azwj] has placed upon you towards his book. I will be questioned and you will be questioned. I will be questioned about the tabligh of the message and you will be questioned about your responsibility towards the book of Allah [azwj] and my Sunnah.'

      Al-Kafi, vol.2, H. 3477, Ch.2, h,9
