Tuesday 24 April 2012

Keeping short beards and french beards, OK?

صحيحة البزنطي عن الرضا (عليه السلام): وسألته عن الرجل هل يصلح له ان يأخذ من لحيته؟ قال: أما من عارضيه فلا بأس وأما من مقدمها فلا (راجع مصباح الفقاهة ١/٤١٢

Sahih (authentic) hadith of al Bazanti from Imam al Reda (as): I asked him (as) if it is alright for the man to take (trim) from his beard? Imam (as) replied: "As for from the sides (cheeks), so no problem. But as for from its front, then no." (Source: Misbahul Fuqaha by Ayatullah Khoei, Volume 1, Page 412)

Explanation of the above hadith by one of the greatest Shia scholars

قال الشيخ الحر العاملي في كتابه ( وسائل الشيعة٢/١١٢ ):هذا محمول على عدم الزيادة على قبضة

Shaikh Hurr al Amili wrote in Wasailush Shia (Volume 2, Page 112): "The instruction in the hadith about not taking/trimming the beard from the front, is applicable when the beard does not exceed fist's length (because ahadith instruct us to trim what exceeds fist's length)."

Translator's note:

Two points are to be noted from the above sahih hadith and the accompanied explanation by Shaikh Hurr al Amili.

First point: It is not correct to trim the beard, from the front of the face, to less than a fist's length. This is also supported by the fact that we have authentic ahadith which command us to not just keep a beard, but to leave (lengthen) the beards and cut/shave off the mustaches, as shown in a previous post (click here). As those ahadith are relevant to this post, I shall present them, along with their grading, here as well:

331 - وقال صلى الله عليه وآله: ”إن المجوس جزوا لحاهم ووفّروا شواربهم، وإنّا نجزُّ الشوارب ونعفي اللحى، وهي الفطرة“. (من لا يحضره الفقيه للصدوق عليه الرحمة ج1 ص130

331- The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Indeed the majoos shave off their beards and lengthen their mustaches, while we shave off our mustaches and leave the beard (to grow), and this is the fitrah (the correct natural way)." ("Man la yahduruhul faqih" by Shaikh Saduq,Volume 1 Page 130)

٣٢٩ - وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: " حفوا الشوارب واعفوا اللحى، ولا تشبهوا باليهود(من لا يحضره الفقيه للصدوق عليه الرحمة ج1 ص130) قال في الوافي: «الحف: الاحفاء ، وهو الاستقصاء في الامر والمبالغة فيه، واحفاء الشارب: المبالغة في جزه 

329- The Prophet (pbuh) ordered: "Shave off the mustaches and leave the beards (to grow), and do not imitate the Jews." ("Man la yahduruhul faqih" by Shaikh Saduq, Volume 1 Page 130)


المشهور في المدرسة القمية أن مرسلات الشيخ الصدوق الجزمية معتبرة، وممن يرى هذا الرأي الإمام الخميني «عليه الرحمة (الشيخ مرتضى الباشا * - 5 / 8 / 2005م - 3:10 م)

"It is highly common in the hawza ilmiyah of Qum that mursal ahadith of Shaikh Saduq (ra) are dogmatically accepted as being authentic, and among those who held this view included Imam Khomeini." (Ayatullah Shaikh Murtada al Basha, on 5/8/2005, 3.10pm)

الفقهاء يرى أن مرسلات الصدوق التي يرسلها مباشرة إلى الإمام - عليه السلام - روايات صحيحة السند . و ممن يقول بهذا الرأي الشيخ الفاضل اللنكراني - حفظه الله تعالى

Many of the scholars hold the view that the mursal ahadith of Shaikh Sadooq (ra) which he quotes directly from the Imam (as), are sahih (authentic) in sanad (chaijn of narration). Among the many who held this view was Ayatullah Fadil Lankarani as well.

Conclusion: The above mursal ahadith by Shaikh sadooq are sahih (authentic) according to majority of the scholars of Qum, including Ayatullah Khomeini and Ayatullah Fadil Lankarani.

Second point: There is a misconception that taking/trimming from the sides (cheeks), as mentioned in the first hadith, can be interpreted to mean shaving off the beard from the sides (cheeks), and thus keeping a french beard/goatee being sufficient as a beard. However, the hadith does not at all mention the term "shaving", therefore it is not correct to extrapolate the meaning of the hadith to include shaving. 

Ayatullah Muhammad Jamil Hamud al Amuli has explained this issue in detail on his website.

لفظة "الأخذ" الواردة في رواية البزنطي حيث سأل السائلُ الإمامَ عليه السلام بأنَّه هل يصلح للرجل أن يأخذ من لحيته، فقد أشار إلى مفهوم الأخذ ولم يشر إلى مفهوم الحلق، وبينهما فرقٌ واضح في اللغة، فمفهوم الأخذ يختلف عن مفهوم الحلق، فعندما يقول الرجل : حلقت لحيتي أي أزلتها بالمرة، ولو قال:أخذت من لحيتي: أي هذّبتها وأخذت منها على نحو التقصير... فالمراد إذاً من رواية البزنطي الدالة على جواز الأخذ من العارضين هو التقصير لا الحلق

The term "الأخذ" (taking/trimming) which occurs in the first hadith, only implies trimming, not shaving. There is a clear linguistic difference between trimming and shaving, as the meaning of trimming is different from shaving. So whenever a man says "I shaved my beard", it means he removed it completely. Whereas if he said "I trimmed from my beard", it means he styled and trimmed it, similar to shortening it. So basically the meaning of the hadith, allowing for trimming from the sides/cheeks, is that it is allowed to shorten the beard from the sides, not shaving it.

Translator's note: To conclude, here is a fatwa by Ayatullah Khamenei, who also does not allow keeping a french beard/goatee only.

Q2: Some men leave the hair around the chin grow, i.e. goatee, and shave the rest of the beard. What is the view on such practice?

A: The ruling on shaving a part of beard is the same as that passed on shaving the entire beard. 



  1. u have done a poor job on this one....plz review what u have said and think again.

  2. @Anonymous: Assalamu alaikum,

    What specifically do you find problematic? Let me know if there are any errors, so that I can edit the post.

    Btw, I know that there are some (weak)counter arguments to what I wrote, but I didn't touch on those points because I wanted to be brief.


  3. Salam aleikum

    Why are all the scholars today then allowing to trim the beard even in the front?

    Wa aleikum salam

  4. @Anonymous: Wailaikummus Salam,

    Some of the scholars, such as Ayatullah Muhammad Jamil Hamud al Amuli, whose views I've quoted in the post, consider the prohibition of trimming of the beard from the front to be based on karahiyah, i.e. he believes that it is makrooh but not completely haram.


  5. Salam aleikum

    Brother Bhooka, could you please state the counter arguments and as to why all the scholars allow trimming from the front and sides (what is their argument) ?

  6. @Anonymous: Wa'laikummus salam,

    Inshallah I'll do that shortly.

  7. salam aleikum again brother..
    i really dont want to push, but this topic is bothering me for a while now and i am very interestet what the scholars are saying about those ahadith and secondly why are there no scholars (past and present) who forbif trimming from the front?
    would be delighted to hear your answer yery soon :-)

  8. @Anonymous: Wa'laikummus salam,

    Generally, the following are the reasonings of the clerics.

    1) Ayatullah khoei seems to have interpreted this hadith about it being OK to take/trim from the sides but not from the front, to mean shaving of the beard from the sides but not from the front. Hence he allowed keeping french beard. He was followed by Ayatullah Fadil Lankarani, Ayt. Saeed al Hakeem and Ayt. Kamal al Haidery who have all allowed shaving the cheeks and keeping french beards. Ayatullah Shirazi had also considered it against obligatory precaution only to shave the cheeks, but not haram. So since these scholars interpreted this hadith to be about shaving the beard from the front, not trimming, therefore they only gave fatwa against shaving from the front but were OK with it being trimmed short (shorter than fist length as well) from the front.

    However, as I've shown in this post itself by quoting Ayatullah Jamil Hamud al Amili, interpreting this hadith to be about shaving is completely wrong since it is against the rules of basic Arabic. Ayatullah Montazeri had also criticised such interpretation. AFAIK Ayt. Khoei's interpretation was not backed by majority of scholars.

    2) Ayt. Khoei has written in his misbahul fuqaha that there’s no particular textual instruction regarding a minimum length of beard, so the minimum length is what would be considered a beard as per `urf (customarily). This is based on rationalisation, not textual proof. Since most of the current clerics were students of Ayt. Khoei, therefore they’ve all followed him on this. Even those who were not, such as Ayt. Shirazi, have also gone with the flow and upheld the same ruling. As for the past scholars, the earlier scholars did not discuss the issue of beard at all (apart from just reporting the ahadith about it), this maybe because shaving and trimming the beard is just a relatively recent fashion; not too long ago it was considered customary to have relatively long beards (I believe this was the case in many parts of the western world as well), therefore it wasn’t necessary for earlier scholars to discuss the trimming and shaving of the beard.
    Coming back to the current clerics, there is pretty much an ijma’ now that the minimum length of beard is what is customarily considered a beard. And since in usulism ijma’ and `aql are considered valid sources of law, therefore in this case despite the text saying something different, this ruling has been upheld. When it comes to ijma’, even if the original ruling is only based on rationalisations and not textual proof, going against ijma is considered a transgression therefore nowadays it is accepted for certain by the clerics that it’s sufficient to keep a beard at a length at which it would be considered a beard in general. And since a trimmed beard, even if it’s trimmed shorter than fist length, is considered a beard in general, therefore the clerics allowing trimming the beard from front to less than fist length.
    So all in all, the main reason is an ijma on this issue.

    3) Since this hadith of Bazanti (about taking/trimming from front not being allowed) is found in Mustatrafat al Sarair by Ibn Idris al Hilli, clerics like Ayatullah Al Maiad do not trust the ahadith in that book because Ibn Idris al Hilli did not include the tareeqs (paths of transmission) to the books he quotes from in his book. This hadith is also found in Masail Ali b. Ja’far, and clerics like Ayatullah Asif Mohsini have questioned the authenticity of that book. This hadith is also reported in Humairi’s Qarb al Isnad, and some clerics may have weakened its sanad as well (although the sanad seems fine to me).

  9. 4) Another possibility is that it is well known that the giant clerics often do not dare to speak up against what is the public norm. For example, Ayatullah Dhakkoo had asked Ayt. Muhsin al Hakim as to why he doesn’t speak up against the bidah of aliun waliullah in adhan. He replied that it is now a part of shia culture that’s why. Similarly Ayatullah Jawad Mughnia had mentioned that many well known clerics in private have denounced idiotic azadari rituals, but are afraid of speaking up in public.

    So when it comes to length of beard, it’s common practice these days that the shia public considers long (fist length) beards to be a wahabi thing, whereas a very closely trimmed beard is considered the typical shia beard. Overall, it’s common to see that the shia ayatullahs themselves do keep long (fist length) beards, however they do not push their muqallids to do so.

    5) Lastly, and this is the best and most reasonable explanation, is the one provided by Ayt. Jamil al Hamudi which I’d already mentioned in a previous comment. He considers the prohibition of trimming from front (to less than fist length) to be based on karaha, but not being fully haram. This is supported by the tone of the hadith as well, which is quiet “soft”. Whereas we have other ahadith, in al Ja’friat, which say that “whoever shaves is not from us” and “shaving the beard is mutilation, and one who mutilates upon him is Allah’s la’nah”. So compared to such strong ahadith against shaving, a hadith which is only softly forbidding trimming from front without mentioning any punishment (in dunya or akhirah) can be rightfully interpreted to be upon karaha only. While the ahadith from ja’friat are weak due to the book lacking authenticity, clerics like muhadith noori and Ayt. Shirazi have considered them to be authentic.


  10. Salam aleikum

    Dear brother thank you very much.
    I cannot possibly understand why knowledgable people would go against textual proof no matter what.
    BUT the last point you raised, which was from Ayatullah Jamil al Amuli is also a good one and it can taken as a good interpretation.
    Does that make a trimming of the front makruh (according to him) or what is the literal meaning of karaha?


  11. @Anonymous: Wa'laikummus salam,

    Yes brother Ayt. Hamudi seems to consider it makrooh. Karaha literally means "dislike", and makrooh is the action which is disliked.


  12. Salam Brother

    So just to clarify Sayyed al Khoei allowed Shaving (ie by a razer) the beard on the side face?

    Also brother do you know Ayatollah Fadlallah ruling and Ayatollah Makerem Shirazi ruling on this issue?

  13. @Hussain: Walaikummus salam brother,

    Yes absolutely, on Ayt. Khoei's website (Arabic) it's mentioned in the Q & A section, that the sides/cheek are included in the beard area (i.e. among the areas, the hair of which constitutes a beard) therefore shaving them is allowed, only shaving the chin is prohibited.

    As for Fadlullah, he didn't consider keeping a beard wajib therefore he considered it halal to even shave the beard completely. He basically considered keeping a beard ihtiyat mustahab (recommended precaution). Ayt. Saanei also has same fatwa, that keeping beard is only ihtiyat mustahab. As for beard only being mustahab, there have been some earlier scholars such as Muhaqqiq Damad (Agha Buzurg Tehrani mentions he wrote a risala on this topic) and Syed Mehdi Behrul Uloom who considered beard only Mustahab. Among current clerics, Ayt. Syed Hussaini Nasab (of Canada) also allows completely shaving off the beard. One more thing, even some of the more traditional scholars such as Sistani also consider shaving of beard to be prohibited based on obligatory precaution (i.e. not full on haram), and in usulism in cases of obligatory precaution the muqallid may refer to another mujtahid (the next most knowledgeable mujtahid).

    Lastly regarding Ayt. Makarem Shirazi, yes he also allows shaving off the sides/cheeks, in fact even for the chin he only considers it a precaution not to shave it. You can see his views on beard here: http://makarem.ir/websites/arabic/estefta/?it=606&mit=


  14. ^^Sorry, I meant Ayt. Khoei says that sides/cheeks are NOT included in beard area. Forgot to type "not" due to typo.

  15. @ Bhooka_bhairiya
    Can you please post the correct link where Ayt. Makarem Shirazi allows shaving off sides/checks.
    The link [http://makarem.ir/websites/arabic/estefta/?it=606&mit=] is for the homepage.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Could you make a blog on Niqab? I personally believe its Wajib to wear one, many Shia scholars have the same belief. JazakAllah Khair :))
