Thursday 3 May 2012

Latmiyas/Nohas, allowed?

مجمع الفائدة - المحقق الأردبيلي - ج ٨ - الصفحة ٦١

Majma'ul Faidah by Muhaqqiq Ardbili, Volume 8, Page 61

Ruling on the exemption of ghina (singing) for the elegies of Imam Hussain (as)

ويؤيده أن البكاء والتفجع عليه عليه السلام مطلوب ومرغوب، وفيه ثواب عظيم، والغناء معين على ذلك، وأنه متعارف دائما في بلاد المسلمين في زمن المشايخ إلى زماننا هذا من غير نكير، وهو يدل على الجواز غالبا

The permissibility of ghina for the eulogies of Imam Hussain (as) is backed by the fact that crying and mourning for Imam Hussain (as) is highly desirable, and there is great thawab (reward) for it. Ghina has been dedicated for this purpose, and ghina has always been customarily used for elegies of Imam Hussain (as) in the Muslim countries, from the times of our mashaikh (teachers/senior scholars) to this period, without facing any objection. This is the main evidence for its permissibility.

المكاسب المحرمة - السيد الخميني - ج ١ - الصفحة ٢٢٥

Makasibul Muhramah by Ayatullah Khomeini, Volume 1 Page225

وإنما حكى عن بعضهم استثناء مراثي أبي عبد الله المحقق الثاني في محكي جامع المقاصد فأخذه عنه بعض من تأخر

And only Muhaqqiq Karaki has recounted from some the exemption (of ghina) for the elegies of Imam Hussain (as), so some of those who succeeded him, adopted this ruling from him.

Translator's note: As can be observed from the above passages, elegies of Imam Hussain (as) as recited customarily are clearly considered ghina and its being a longstanding common practice is considered the reason for its permissibility. However, ghina is considered a major sin

Furthermore, as can be seen from Ayatollah Khomeini's statement, it is apparent that it was Muhaqqiq Karaki, foremost scholar of the Safavid era and the founder of the modern system of marjai'yyah (further information available in Ayatullah Tankabani's "Qisasul Ulama"), who initially quoted the permissibility of ghina for the purpose of latmiyas/nohas. It can be noted that the case of latmiyas/nohas is similar to the case of the third testimony in adhan and iqamah, a practice which got declared halal (and even mustahab) only from the Safavid era onwards.

Now let us see what the great traditional scholars have said about latmiyas/nohas.

الحدائق الناضرة - المحقق البحراني - ج ١٨ - الصفحة ١١٧

Hadaiqul Nadra by Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani, Volume 18 Page 117

وبعضهم استثنى مراثي الحسين عليه السلام - أيضا - قال في الكفاية: وهو غير بعيد.
أقول: بل هو بعيد غاية البعد، لما عرفت مما قدمناه من الأخبار المتكاثرة

And some of them exempted the elegies of Imam Hussain (as) also. Muhaqqiq Sabzwari said in Kifayatul Ahkam (Volume 1, Page 434): "And it is not far off (from being correct)."

I (i.e.Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani) say: "It is extremely far off, given the numerous ahadith that we have presented."


  1. Lanat on the enemies of azadari!

    Dont act like a shia, i know u r a wahabi. You and ur wahabi masters can keep barking but azadari will never stop till qiyamat.

  2. as salaamu alaykum,

    Nice post, for a minute, after the first couple of paragraphs, I thought you were gearing up to defend this nonsense.

  3. @Ali_Hussain: Wa'laikum assalam,

    Lol, no brother, I'm against all the current bidahs practiced in the name of azadari.

  4. The problem with so called technical people is that they presume something and then categorse other things. Presuming latmiya as ghina is in itself is qiyas unless the aimma a.s said it is ghina. Why risking imaan bro bhooka?

  5. one have to prove noha is not ginna . because of difinition of ginna being so wast and general
