(مسألة 15) :- يستحب حبس المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج إلا لضروره ، ولا يدخل عليها أحدٌ من الرجال
هذه المسأله منقولة من كتاب العروه الوثقى ( للسيد محمد كاظم اليزي ) وهو غني عن التعريف
وهذا الكتاب ( العروة الوثقى ) علق عليه أغلب الفقهاء الذين جاءوا بعد صاحبه فمن خالفه في الراي
ذكر الخلاف في تعليقة على المسائل المختلف فيها وترك المسائل المتفق عليها بدون تعليق ،
والمسأله السابقة تركتْ من غير تعليق من أحد من الفقهاء الاجلاء ( رحم الله الماضين منهم وحفظ الله
الباقين وأمد في أعمارهم الشريفة )
ومعنى ذلك أنهم متفقون الراي في هذه المسألة
المصدر :- العروة الوثقى / المجلد الثاني --- كتاب النكاح --- آدابه مسألة رقم 15
هذه المسأله منقولة من كتاب العروه الوثقى ( للسيد محمد كاظم اليزي ) وهو غني عن التعريف
وهذا الكتاب ( العروة الوثقى ) علق عليه أغلب الفقهاء الذين جاءوا بعد صاحبه فمن خالفه في الراي
ذكر الخلاف في تعليقة على المسائل المختلف فيها وترك المسائل المتفق عليها بدون تعليق ،
والمسأله السابقة تركتْ من غير تعليق من أحد من الفقهاء الاجلاء ( رحم الله الماضين منهم وحفظ الله
الباقين وأمد في أعمارهم الشريفة )
ومعنى ذلك أنهم متفقون الراي في هذه المسألة
المصدر :- العروة الوثقى / المجلد الثاني --- كتاب النكاح --- آدابه مسألة رقم 15
Fatwa no. 15: "It is mustahab (desirable) to lock up/imprison the woman at home, so she does not leave without necessity, and none among the men enters upon her." This fatwa has been quoted from the renowned book "Urwatul Wuthqa" (by Ayatullah Kadhim al Yazdi, Volume 2) which is needless of any introduction (as it is an extremely famous fiqh book and among the core text books at all hawzas). Majority of the scholars (maraji) who succeeded the author (Ayatullah Kadhim al Yazdi) annotated upon this book. The one who differed in view would add his fatwa in the footnote of the disputed fatwa while leaving the consented upon fatwa (s) without a footnote. As for the previous fatwa which has been quoted (locking up women at home being mustahab), distinguished scholars (maraji) left it unannotated, which means that they fully agreed with it.
ذكر صاحب العروة الوثقى ج ص 633( يستحب حبس المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج إلا لضرورة و لا يدخل عليها أحد من الرجال
ووافقه على ذلك الإمام الراحل و السيد الخوئي و السيد الكلبيكاني و الشيخ الأراكي و السيد محسن الحكيم
ووافقه على ذلك الإمام الراحل و السيد الخوئي و السيد الكلبيكاني و الشيخ الأراكي و السيد محسن الحكيم
Ayatullah Kadhim al Yazdi wrote in "Urwatul Wuthqa" (Volume 2, Page613): "It
is mustahab (desirable) to lock up/imprison the woman at home, so she
does not leave without necessity, and none among the men enters upon
her.", and Ayatullah Khomeini, Ayatullah Khoei, Ayatullah Gulpaygani, Ayatullah Araki and Ayatullah Syed Muhsin al Hakim agreed with this ruling.
و ما نقلناه من العروة الوثقى
(( يستحب حبس المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج إلا لضرورة و لا يدخل عليها أحد من الرجال ))
يوافق عليه الشيخ محمد الفاضل اللنكراني - حفظه الله تعالى - فراجع كتابه ( الحواشي على العروة الوثقى ) كتاب النكاح
(( يستحب حبس المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج إلا لضرورة و لا يدخل عليها أحد من الرجال ))
يوافق عليه الشيخ محمد الفاضل اللنكراني - حفظه الله تعالى - فراجع كتابه ( الحواشي على العروة الوثقى ) كتاب النكاح
Ayatullah Fadil Lankarani also concurred with this ruling (locking up women being mustahab) in "Hawashi 'ala al Urwatul Wuthqa" in the section on nikah (marriage).
يعلق آية الله العظمى السيد محمد الحسيني الشيرازي في سلسلته الفقهية "كتاب
النكاح" على المسألة ( يستحب حبس المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج الا لضرورة ) .
يقول : دينية ودنيوية حسب المعهود في زمان رسول الله (ص) بأن لا تكون كالرجل في الخروج ، فان في خروجها الزائد اختلال لشئون المنزل من تربية الأولاد ورعاية الدار
يقول : دينية ودنيوية حسب المعهود في زمان رسول الله (ص) بأن لا تكون كالرجل في الخروج ، فان في خروجها الزائد اختلال لشئون المنزل من تربية الأولاد ورعاية الدار
Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Shirazi in his encyclopedia of fiqh (in the section on marriage), annotated upon this fatwa (of locking up women being mustahab) as follows: "The typical religious and worldly duties of the woman in the age of the Prophet (pbuh) were such that she would not be like the men in respect of leaving the home, for indeed, her leaving the house causes excessive disruption to the affairs of the home, among raising the children and taking care of the home."
كما أن آية الله العظمى الشيخ محمد أمين زين الدين – رحمه الله تعالى – ذكر
هذه المسألة بالنص في تعليقته على العروة الوثقى ص 1005 و لم ينكر منها
Ayatullah Muhammad Amin Zainuddin also concurred with this fatwa in his Ta'leeq on Urwatul Wuthqa (page 1005).
قال السيد عبد الأعلى السبزواري - رحمه الله تعالى - في كتابه ( مهذّب
الأحكام في بيان الحلال و الحرام ) ج 24 ص 26 عند تعليقه على استحباب حبس
المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج إلا لضرورة و لا يدخل عليها أحد من الرجال . قال :
( لقول علي - عليه السلام - في رسالته إلى الحسن - عليه السلام - ( فإن استطعت أن لا يعرفن غيرك من الرجال فافعل ) و عن الصدّيقة الطاهرة ( سلام الله عليها ) ( خير للنساء أن لا يرين الرجال و لا يراهن الرجال ) و عن علي - عليه السلام - ( النساء عيّ و عورات فداووا عيّهن بالسكوت و عوراتهن بالبيوت ) إلى غير ذلك من الأخبار الكثيرة
( لقول علي - عليه السلام - في رسالته إلى الحسن - عليه السلام - ( فإن استطعت أن لا يعرفن غيرك من الرجال فافعل ) و عن الصدّيقة الطاهرة ( سلام الله عليها ) ( خير للنساء أن لا يرين الرجال و لا يراهن الرجال ) و عن علي - عليه السلام - ( النساء عيّ و عورات فداووا عيّهن بالسكوت و عوراتهن بالبيوت ) إلى غير ذلك من الأخبار الكثيرة
Ayatullah Syed Abdul 'Ala al Sabzwari wrote in his book "Muhadhibul Ahkam" (Volume 24, Page 26), while annotating upon the aforementioned fatwa about locking up women being mustahab: "This fatwa has been issued due to the instruction of Imam Ali (as) in his epistle to Imam Hasan: 'So if you can ensure that your women do not recognise any man other than you, then do so (by putting restrictions on them)' (Nahjul Balagha), and the hadith of Fatima (as): 'Best for the women is that they do not see the men and the men do not see them.' and the hadith of Imam Ali (as): 'The women are inarticulate and blemishes, so take care of their inarticulateness by silencing them and their being blemishes by locking them at the homes." as well as many other ahadith."
Translator's note: The following are the answers by renowned marjas, explaining the aforementioned fatwa.
جواب مكتب المرجع القائد الخامنئي - دام ظله -
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
باسمه تعالى المراد من الفتوى المذكورة واضح، وأما كلمة الضرورة فهي الضرورة العرفية أي لا يأذن لها بالخروج إلا لأمر مهم.
والله العالم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
باسمه تعالى المراد من الفتوى المذكورة واضح، وأما كلمة الضرورة فهي الضرورة العرفية أي لا يأذن لها بالخروج إلا لأمر مهم.
والله العالم
Ayatullah Khamenei: The meaning of this fatwa is self explanatory, and as for the term "need/necessity" (mentioned in the fatwa), so it pertains to what is customarily acknowledged as a necessity, that is, she is not allowed to leave the home except for an important/emergency issue.
جواب مكتب المرجع السيد محمد سعيد لحكيم - حفظه الله تعالى -
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و له الحمد
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
معنى المسالة يستحب إبقاء المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج منه إلا لحاجة و لا يدخل عليها أحد من الرجال الأجانب , و قد ذكر سماحة السيد الحكيم أنه يكره اختلاط النساء بالرجال الأجانب , و قد يحرم إذا كان يوجب الفتنة
جواب مكتب المرجع السيد محمد سعيد لحكيم - حفظه الله تعالى -
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و له الحمد
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
معنى المسالة يستحب إبقاء المرأة في البيت فلا تخرج منه إلا لحاجة و لا يدخل عليها أحد من الرجال الأجانب , و قد ذكر سماحة السيد الحكيم أنه يكره اختلاط النساء بالرجال الأجانب , و قد يحرم إذا كان يوجب الفتنة
Office of Ayatullah Muhammad Sa'eed al Hakim: "The meaning of this fatwa is that it is mustahab for the woman to remain in the home, and not exit from it except when in need, and not let any stranger man enter upon her. And his eminence Ayatullah Sa'eed al Hakim had also ruled that it is makrooh for women to interact/mingle with stranger (non mahram) men, and it is haram when there is danger of fitna."
Authentic ahadith on this issue
موسوعة أحاديث أهل البيت (ع) - الشيخ هادي النجفي
Mausu'ah ahadith ahlulbayt by Ayatullah Hadi al Najafi
٥٦٣٧] ٢ - الكليني، عن علي [عن أبيه]، عن هارون بن مسلم، عن مسعدة بن صدقة، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام): لا تبدؤوا النساء بالسلام ولا تدعوهن إلى الطعام فإن النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) قال: النساء عى وعورة فاستروا عيهن بالسكوت واستروا عوراتهن بالبيوت
الرواية معتبرة الإسناد
ج ٥ - الصفحة ١٦٦
[5637] 2- Al Kulaini, Ali (from his father), from Haroon b. Muslim, from Mus'adah
b. Sadqah, from abi Abdullah (as) who said: Ali (as) said: "Do not
initiate with the salam to women and do not invite them to the food, for
indeed the Prophet (pbuh) said: "The women are inarticulate and a
blemish, so cover their inarticulateness with silence and cover their
being a blemish by (locking them at) the homes." (Volume 5, Page 166)
Ayatullah Hadi al Najafi: The hadith has a reliable chain of narration.
[14167] 2 - الكليني، عن محمد بن يحيى، عن عبد الله بن محمد، عن علي بن الحكم، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن عبد الرحمن بن سيابة، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: إن الله خلق حواء من أدم فهمة النساء الرجال فحصنوهن في البيوت (3).
الرواية معتبرة الإسناد
الرواية معتبرة الإسناد
ج ١١ - الصفحة ٣١٩
[1416] 2- Al Kulaini, from Muhammad b. Yahya, from Abdullah b. Muhammad, from Ali b. al Hakam, from Aban b. Uthman, from Abdur Rahman b. Syabah, from abi Abdillah (as): "Indeed Allah (swt) created Hawwa (Eve) from Adam (as) that is why the women are intent/focused on men, so entrench them in the homes." (Volume 11, Page 319)
Ayatullah Hadi al Najafi: The hadith has a reliable chain of narration.
وسائل الشيعة (آل البيت) للحر العاملي (1104 هـ) الجزء20 صفحة64
Wasail al Shia by Shaikh Hurr al Amili (1104 AH) (ra) Volume 20 Page 64
Chapter on desirability of imprisoning the woman in her home or home of her husband, do not let her out for without need and not let anyone from the men enter upon her.
[ 25048 ] 1 ـ محمد بن يعقوب ، عن عدة من أصحابنا ، عن أحمد بن أبي عبدالله ، عن أبيه ، عن وهب ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : قال أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) : خلق الرجال من الارض وإنما همهم في الارض ، وخلقت المرأة من الرجال وإنما همها في الرجال ، فاحبسوا نساءكم يا معاشر الرجال
[25048] 1- Muhammad b. Ya'qoob, from a group among our companions, from Ahmad b. abi Abdullah, from his father, from Wahb,from abi Abdullah (as) who said: Ali (as) said: "The men have been created from the land and they are only intent on the land, and the woman has been created from the men and is only intent on the men, so imprison your women, O community of men!"
[ 25049 ] 2 ـ وعن أبي عبدالله الاشعري ، عن بعض أصحابنا ، عن جعفر بن عنبسة ، عن عبادة بن زياد ، عن عمرو بن أبي المقدام ، عن أبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) . وعن أحمد بن محمد العاصمي ، عمّن حدثه ، عن معلى بن محمد ، عن علي بن حسان ، عن عبد الرحمن بن كثير ، عن أبى عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : قال أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) في رسالته إلى الحسن ( عليه السلام ) : إيّاك ومشاورة النساء فإن رأيهن إلى الافن ، وعزمهن إلى الوهن ، واكفف عليهن من أبصارهن بحجابك إيّاهّن فإنّ شدّة الحجاب خير لك ولهن من الارتياب ، وليس خروجهن بأسد من دخول من لا يوثق به عليهن ، فإن استطعت أن لا يعرفن غيرك من الرجال فافعل .
وعن أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد ، عن جعفر بن محمد الحسني ، عن عليّ بن عبدك ، عن الحسن بن ظريف بن ناصح ، عن الحسين بن علوان ، عن سعد بن طريف ، عن الاصبغ بن نباتة ، عن أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) ، مثله ، الا أنه قال : كتب بهذه الرسالة أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) إلى ابنه محمد .
ورواه الصدوق بإسناده إلى وصية أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) لولده محمد بن الحنفية ، مثله


[25049] 2- And from abi Abdullah al Ash'ari, from some of our companions, from Ja'far b. Anbasah, from Ubadah b. Ziad, from Amru b. abi al Muqdam, from abi Ja'far (as), and from Ahmad b. Muhammad al Asmi, from one who told him, from Mu'alla b. Muhammad, from Ali b. Hasaan, from Abdur rahman b. Kathir, from abi Abdullah (as) who said: Ali (as) said in his epistle to al Hasan (as): "Beware not to consult with women for indeed their opinion is unsound and their will is lacking/weak, and place restriction on them, take care of their sights through your curtain/cover for indeed strict covering is good for you and for them than the distrust, and their going out is not more severe than the entry of one you do not trust upon them, so if you can ensure that they do not know anyone other than you from the men then do so."
And from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa'eed, from Ja'far b. Muhammad al Hasani, from Ali b. Abduk, from al Hasan b. Dhareef b. Nasah, from al Hussain b. Alwan, from Sa'd b. Tareef, from al Asbakh b. Nabatah, from Ali (as) similar to it, except that he said: "Ali (as) wrote this epistle to his son Muhammad."
And al Sadooq (ra) narrated it by his isnad (chains of narration) to the will of Ali (as) for his son Muhammad b. al Hanafiyyah similar to it.
[ 25050 ] 3 ـ وعن عدة من أصحابنا ، عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد ، عن نوح بن شعيب ، رفعه قال : قال أبو عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) : كان علي بن الحسين ( عليه السلام ) إذا أتاه ختنه على ابنته أو على اخته بسط له رداه ثم أجلسه ثم يقول : مرحبا بمن كفى المؤنة وستر العورة
[25050] 3- And from a group among our companions, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid, from Noah b. Shuaib who lifted it (the chain of narration), said: Abu Abdullah (as) said: "When Ali b. al Hussain (as) would have to perform circumcision on his daughter or his sister, a cloth/cloak would be spread for him then he would sit on it then say: Welcome to that which suffices the subsistence and covers the private part."
[ 25051 ] 4 ـ محمد بن علي بن الحسين قال : قال ( عليه السلام ) : إنّما النساء عي وعورة ، فاستروا العورة بالبيوت ، واستروا العي بالسكوت .
ورواه الكليني عن علي بن إبراهيم ، عن أبيه ، عن ابن أبي عمير ، عن هشام بن سالم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) وذكر مثله إلا أنه ترك لفظ : إنّما .
ورواه الشيخ في ( المجالس والاخبار ) بإسناده عن هشام بن سالم ، مثله


[25051] 4- Muhammad b. Ali b. al Hussain said: He (as) said: "Verily the women are inarticulate and and a
blemish, so cover their
being a blemish by (locking them at) the homes and cover their inarticulateness with silence".
And al Kulaini (ra) narrated it from Ali b. Ibrahim, from his father, from ibn abi Umair, from Hishamb. Salim, from abi Abdullah (as) who said: The Prophet (pbuh) said, and (narrator) mentioned similar to it except that he omitted the word "Innama (only)".
And the shaikh narrated it (in al Majalis wal akhbar) by his isnad (chains of narration) from Hisham b.Salim similar to it.
[ 25052 ] 5 ـ وفي ( العلل ) عن أبيه ، عن سعد ، عن محمد بن الحسين ، عن محمد بن يحيى ، عن غياث بن إبراهيم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : إن المرأة خلقت من الرجل وإنما همتها في الرجال ، فاحسبوا نساءكم ، وإن الرجل خلق من الارض فإنما همته في الارض
[25052] 5- And in (al illal) from his father, from Sa'ad, from Muhammad b. al Hussain, from Muhammad b. Yahya, from Ghiyath b. Ibrahim, from Abi Abdullah(as) who said: "Verily the woman has been created from the man and is only intent on the men, so imprison your women, and verily the man has been created from the land so is only intent on the land."
[ 25053 ] 6 ـ محمد بن الحسن في ( المجالس والاخبار ) : عن جماعة ، عن أبي المفضل ، عن جعفر بن محمد بن جعفر الحسني ، عن موسى بن عبدالله الحسني ، عن جده موسى بن عبدالله ، عن أبيه عبدالله بن الحسن وعميه إبراهيم والحسن ابني الحسن ، عن امهم فاطمة بنت الحسين ، عن أبيها ، عن جدها علي بن أبي طالب ( عليهم السلام ) ، عن النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) قال : النساء عي وعورات فداووا عيهن بالسكوت وعوراتهن بالبيوت
[25053] 6- Muhammad b. al Hasan (in al Majalis wal akhbar): From a group, from abi al Mufaddal, from Ja'farb. Muhammad b. Ja'far al Hasani, from Musa b. Abdullah al Hasani, from his grand father Musa b. Abdullah, from his father Abdullah b. al Hasan and his uncles Ibrahim and al Hasan b. al Hasan, from their mother Fatima b. al Hussain, from her father, from her grand father Ali b. abi Talib (as), from the Propeht (pbuh) who said: "The women are inarticulate and blemishes, so take care of their inarticulateness by silencing them and their being blemishes by locking them at the homes."
[ 25054 ] 7 ـ علي بن عيسى في ( كشف الغمة ) نقلا من كتاب ( أخبار فاطمة ( عليها السلام ) ) لابن بابويه عن علي ( عليه السلام ) قال : كنا عند رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) فقال : أخبروني أى شيء خير للنساء ؟ فعيينا بذلك كلنا حتى تفرقنا ، فرجعت إلى فاطمة ( عليها السلام ) فأخبرتها بالذي قال لنا رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) وليس أحد منا علمه ولا عرفه ، فقالت : ولكنّي أعرفه : خير للنساء أن لا يرين الرجال ولا يراهن الرجال ، فرجعت إلى رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) فقلت : يا رسول الله سألتنا أى شيء خير للنساء ؟ خير لهن أن لا يرين الرجال ولا يراهن الرجال ، فقال : من أخبرك ، فلم تعلمه وأنت عندي ؟ فقلت : فاطمة ، فأعجب ذلك رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) وقال : ان فاطمة بضعة مني .
أقول : وتقدم ما يدل على ذلك ، ويأتي ما يدل عليه

[25054] 7- Ali b. 'Isa (in Kashf al Ghummah) referenced from a book (Akhbar Fatima (as)) of ibn Babuyeh from Ali (as) who said: "We were with the Prophet (pbuh), so he (pbuh) said: Tell me which thing is best for the women? So we all were unable to answer that till we separated (departed), so I returned to Fatima (as), then I informed her of that which the Prophet (pbuh) had said to us and not one of us had knowledge of it nor knew it, so she said: "But I know it, best for the women is that they do not see the men and the men do not see them." So I returned to the Prophet (pbuh), I said: "O Messenger of Allah (swt)! You asked us which thing is best for the women? Best for them is that they do not see the men and the men do not see them." So he (pbuh) said: "Who informed you, for I did not teach it and you are with me?" So I said: "Fatimah." So that impressed Rasool Allah (pbuh) and he (pbuh) said: "Indeed Fatima (as) is a part of me."
I (i.e. Shaikh Hurr al Amili) say: "And there has preceded what proves upon that, and there is to come (in upcoming chapters) what proves upon it."
ReplyDeleteThis hadith is very odd.
Could you please elaborate some more on it?
Are there other authentic hadiths that support this hadith?
What is the grading for this hadith?
Walaikum assalam,
ReplyDeleteI know this hadith sounds odd as per current norms, but we do have many other such ahadith so in terms of hadith it's not shadh(rare/isolated) or odd.
Although Shaikh Hurr al Amili didn't include gradings for ahadith(including this one) in his Wasail al shia because he was an akhbari, but nonetheless this hadith is Sahih (authentic). Brother Nader Zaveri has explained it here:
For other similar ahadith, you may refer to Imam Ali's will to Imam Hasan in Nahjul Balagha(in the letters section, letter number 31 in my edition). Imam Ali(as) advised Imam Hasan(as) to always keep his(as) women in the home and not let outsiders in either. There are similar ahadith in Man layahdhuruhul faqih as well.
At the end of the day, in Islam woman's domain is her home and the outside work is left for the man. Our ahadith are very clear on this.
ReplyDeleteI cannot comment on the authenticity of this hadith..but I was just wondering- imagine if a nonMuslim ever reads this?Being a Muslim, this has troubled me deeply.
Islam highly promotes the freedom and rights of women- it gave women the right to live (not be killed at birth),the right to inheritence, the right to choose who to marry,and many more.
Using such strong words such as "imprison" strongly go against every right we have ever known Islam to give its women. Rather, this strengthens the incorrect ideas from the West that women in Islam are oppressed, imprisoned slaves- which again, is NOT true.
Islam already has such a horrible reputation around the world, and if people read and believe that this is what Islam is, its going to make people hate us and run away from the religion even more, might also lead them away from the true path forever, which we all know is realy bad. It may also push strongly believing Muslims away, because, as I said, SO many women around the world have chosen Islam BECAUSE of the rights its given to its women.
And also, is it really true that women are only interested in men? Rather, its more of the other way around nowadays. Women couldnt care much, but men keep running after women a lot. Thats another subject though.
Im not saying a woman should necessarily go out and work, but Im more curious about the wordings of the hadith.
Was Bibi Fatima ever IMPRISONED?What about Bibi Khadija?:S..ofcourse..we all know that the latter was a career woman-I agree that she didnt meet/conduct business directly with men ever, but I dont believe she was imprisoned either.
I would strongly suggest that you confirm the exact interpretation of this hadith by some learned scholar like Ayatollah Sistani or Shirazi or anyone at all.
I don't mean to offend anyone..but just curious as to the real status of this hadith (and the one about women shouldnt learn) in the eyes of today's scholars, as well as how realistically it was applied in the past.
Thankyou once again.
@anonymous: Wasalam,
ReplyDeleteThe hadith is authentic actually. Anyhow, yes of course you wouldn't want a non muslim reading this hadith just yet. Obviously, to introduce a non muslim to Islam the sensible approach would be to show them those aspects of Islam which are common to his own religion/culture. Afterall, Islamic laws were also not revealed in a go but gradually.
And yes, no doubt western and other non muslim cultures would be appalled by this hadith because it's totally opposite to their views. The issue is that even if you discard this hadith, there are many other aspects of Islam they'll have issues with. Consider for example the issue of slavery (which is 100% allowed in Islam), the harsh punishments for apostasy etc. As said earlier, you wouldn't want to overwhelm western people just yet with such stuff, it would be advisable to only show them initially those things that they're already familiar with. That said, the point of this blog is not to propagate Islam to non muslims(not that it's a bad thing at all, but there are many other blogs/websites which are doing an excellent job on that front), rather this blog is meant for shia laymen so that they may get acquainted with our actual sources/ahadith, especially ones such as these which are unfortunately often "brushed under the carpet".
As for asking a scholar for the interpretation, you have to remember that a scholar's job is only to inform us of the law, not to MAKE the law. So it would be naive to think that any righteous scholar would somehow magically reinterpret it in such a way so that it becomes totally compatible with current norms. Anyhow, as far as scholarly interpretation is concerned, I believe some scholars considered this hadith(as well as the one regarding not teaching women how write etc) to be a recommendation, not an obligation. In fact the compiler of Wasail al Shia(the book from which I've quoted this hadith), the great scholar Shaikh Hurr al Amili also considered it to be recommended(hence he placed it under the heading of "desirability of imprisoning/locking up women..........."). I believe current scholars also favor this interpretation and consider it to be recommended only, not obligatory.
Lastly sister, I would advise you not to look at these ahadith as a sort of women's rights issue because it is not. Consider this, a mother has the right to discipline her son. Similarly a woman has the right to harshly punish her slave. So should we look at it as a man vs woman issue? Of course not. In both these cases the mother and the slave owner woman have certain rights on their son and slave respectively. Similarly in the case of a husband-wife relationship, the husband has certain rights over his wife. That's the way it is, Islamically in all relations certain people have certain rights over others. It would be foolish to just look at it as a man vs woman issue.
this is a hadith sahih al-sanad apparently and mohamed ibn yahya here is mohamed ibn yahya al-khazzaz and he is thiqat BUT this hadith contradicts the true status of women whic is prescribed by Allah and his messenger and also the historical facts where women took parts in daily life and even women like sayida zainab and saydah sukainah came out of their houses and preached and also fatima zahra (as) and other women of muslims like those women who treated the injured during wars etc etc etc ...
ReplyDeletethis hadith is rejected without a doubt and doesn't sound like hadith of masoomin and i believe there's a mistake by some of the narrators (ra).
anyway bookha i have a new forum so if you want to join you are welcome :
ya hmar inte hmar
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Aunty I'm not a hmar, I'm a hungry wolf. That's what my nick means in Urdu. Bhooka=Hungry, Bhairiya=Wolf-> Bhooka_Bhairiya=Hungry Wolf.
ReplyDeleteDog....wolf what is the difference? Let me see is it better to be a dog or a donkey? HMMMMM?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Are you serious aunty?! There is a world of difference between a dog and a wolf. This is like saying cat.....lion, what is the difference (just because they are both from the "cat family"). A wolf is a big, bad and ferocious animal which strikes fear in the hearts of people (that's why aggressive people whom everyone is scared of are labelled "hungry wolves").
ReplyDeleteSo again, I'm a Bhooka_Bhairiya (Hungry Wolf), neither a dog nor a donkey. So stop calling me names please. Thanks.
WTH?! Lock up women?!!
ReplyDeleteBrother,only the wahabis and taliban and extremists do that.Shias don't follow them! Please ask any scholar.
This article is completely wrong!!
Check the difference between saudi arabia and Iran, how women are treated in them. Only the saudi wahabis lock up women, in Iran women have so much freedom because Iran is shia country.
ReplyDeleteI find the last hadith very odd and sounds beyond logic that Imam Ali Ibne Abu Talib (as)Al-Murtada - Asadullah al-Ghaalib - Haydar al-Karaar - Walid al-Ka'bah - Imam al-Muttaqin - Daahi Baab-Khaybar - Amir al-Muminin - Abu-Turaab - Ab al-Hasanayn - Ab al-Aimmah - Wasi-Rasuwlallah - Waliyallah - Hujjatullah al-Khalq - Orwat al-Wuthqa - Mushkil Kusha
ReplyDeleteDidn't know the answer to the question profferd by the Holy prophet ( saw ) very strange.
A man has his duties and rights and a woman has her duties and rights. There is no such thing as "equality" in Islam, just as there is no such thing as "equality" in existence and in phenomenal nature — everything has either a compliment or an opposite. "Equality" is a catch-word that is in reality rooted in rebellion and taking away the order and justice of things; everything has its place in the (Divine) Order of things; and if a married woman is to be "indoors", then this is her religious and mundane duty for the sake of order (in society — at home and otherwise). "حبس" does not necessarily mean "imprisonment" — and this word is both misleading and inappropriate — rather, for its contextual usage, a better word needs to employed (not to be compliant for today's modern, secular mind or to be sympathetic, &c., but to convey the essential reality of it), for the danger both towards women and from them in outside society is great and at large — and this is why women wear the "khimar" and NOT the erroneous "hijab" — "حبس" (habs) is seen as a "confined-protection" and thus should be translated as such.
ReplyDeleteSalam Bhookah I had a question. If no permission is required to marry/do mut'ah with a woman, how can one get to her if she is sheltered. I completely agree that the women should be kept at home and this is recorded and implied in numerous narrations of course. However, how would one reach a woman he wishes to marry or perform mut'ah with especially if she is a pious woman. How would he reach her the halal way if she needs not the permission of her guardian?
ReplyDeleteAgain I agree women are 'awrah and they are to be under supervision. The question is how do men get to them in a halal way while they are sheltered?