Saturday 6 February 2016

How to do tawassul?

عن أمير المؤمنين علي عليه السلام أنه قال: «إن أفضل ما توسل به المتوسلون إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى الإيمان به وبرسوله والجهاد في سبيله، فإنه ذروة الإسلام، وكلمة الإخلاص فإنها الفطرة، وإقام الصلاة فإنها الملة، وإيتاء الزكاة فإنها فريضة واجبة، وصوم شهر رمضان فإنه جنة من العقاب، وحج البيت واعتماره فإنهما ينفيان الفقر ويرحضان الذنب، وصلة الرحم فإنها مثراة في المال ومنسأة في الأجل، وصدقة السر فإنها تكفر الخطيئة، وصدقة العلانية فإنها تدفع ميتة السوء، وصنائع المعروف فإنها تقي مصارع الهوان

Imam Ali (as) said: "Definitely the best way to do tawassul, for those seeking nearness to Allah (swt); is to believe in Allah (swt) and His (swt) prophet (pbuh), do jihad for Him as it is the pinnacle of Islam, profess the shahadah (i.e. testify that Allah is the sole deity and Muhammad is His messenger) as it embodies the nature upon which everyone is born, establish prayer as it is the main feature of the Islamic community, give zakah (charity) as it is an obligation, fast in Ramadan as it is the shield against Allah (swt)'s punishment, perform Hajj and Umrah as they protect against destitution and wash the sins, be good to close relatives as it causes blessing in wealth and increases longevity, give alms secretly as it covers shortcomings, and give alms openly as it protects from bad death, and be good and kind as it protects against disgrace."


كتاب الزهد - الحسين بن سعيد الكوفي - الصفحة ١٣ (Kitab al Zuhd by Hussain b. Saeed al Ahwazi, page 13)
المحاسن - أحمد بن محمد بن خالد البرقي - ج ١ - الصفحة ٢٨٩ (Al Mahasin by Shaikh al Barqi, Vol 1 Page 289)
من لا يحضره الفقيه - الشيخ الصدوق - ج ١ - الصفحة ٢٠٥ (Man la yahduruhul faqih by Shaikh Saduq, Vol 1 Page 205)
علل الشرائع - الشيخ الصدوق - ج ١ - الصفحة ٢٤٧ (Illalush Sharai by Shaikh Saduq, Vol 1 page 247)
تحف العقول - ابن شعبة الحراني - الصفحة ١٤٩ (Tuhuful uqul, attributed to Shaikh al Harrani, page 149)
نهج البلاغة - خطب الإمام علي (ع) - ج ١ - الصفحة ٢١٥ (Nahjul Balagha by Syed al Radi, Vol 1 Page 215: Sermon 113 in English translated version on
الأمالي - الشيخ الطوسي - الصفحة ٢١٦ (Amali by Shaikh Tusi, Page 216)


Ayatullah Taqi al Modarresi (Al Tashri al Islami, Vol 6 section 'Bayn al jihad wal iman'): Mu'tbar (reliable)
Ayatullah Syed Muhammad al Shirazi (Buhuth mukhtasarh fil aqeeda wal walah): Mu'tbar (reliable)
Ayatullah Muhammad al Yaqoobi (Khitab al Marhala 368): Mu'tbar (reliable)

Explanation of the hadith:

فتح البيان فيما روي عن علي بن أبي طالب من تفسير القرآن للسيد مصطفى حسيني الطباطبائي

"Fathhul bayan" by Syed Mustafa Hussaini al Tabatabai: Part 1 section 18

أقول: الوسيلة إلى الله تعالى هي ما يتقرب به العبد إليه، ولقد بين أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام في هذه الخطبة المسماة "بالديباج" أفضل طريق التقرب إلى الله سبحانه، وهو: الإيمان بالله ورسوله، والتعبد بما شرع الله من فرائض وأحكام.

I say: The 'waseela' to Allah (swt) is the means by which the worshiper gets closer to Him (swt), and Imam Ali (as) has explained in this sermon called "Khutabah al Dibaj" the best way to gain nearness to Allah (swt), which is: To belive in Allah (swt) and His prophet (pbuh), and following the laws of Allah (swt) in terms of the obligations and rules. 

Translator's note: As can be seen from some of the earliest extant sources of shi'ite ahadith, such as Hussain b. Saeed al Ahwazi (254 AH)'s Kitab al Zuhd and Shaikh al Barqi (280 AH)'s Mahasin, and the succeeding books from Qummi and Baghdadi scholars such as Shaikh Sadooq, Shaikh Mufid, Syed al Radi and Shaikh Tusi; the tawassul taught by the ahlulbayt (as) is to believe in Allah (swt) and His prophet (pbuh), and follow the Islamic laws and obligations. There is no mention of calling Abbas, Zainab, Fatima etc etc etc for waseela.


  1. What is the exact reference of this Hadeeth, and what is the grading of the Hadeeth, brother?

  2. It's reference is: AL Kafi by Shaikh Kulaini, Vol 2, Page 580, Hadith no. 11


    As for it's grading, as per modern hadith grading criteria, it's weak sanadan and has been graded da'eef by both Majlisi and Baqir Bahboodi.

    But as it is only a mustahab issue where gradings are less strict, and there is a rule in modern shia hadith science that even if a hadith is da'eef in terms of sanad, it is considered sahih when scholars give fatwa by it. As for this hadith, among modern scholars, the marja Ayatullah Mohammad Sa'eed al Hakeem has given fatwa by it and it is authentic according to him:

    Lastly, it is sahih as per Shaikh Kulaini himself as well as for those scholars who follow classical scholars like shaikh Kulaini, for example Shaikh Hurr al Amili who grades it sahih in Wasail al Shia.

    So as for grading, the grading depends on which method/criteriaofgrading you follow, I've briefly listed all of them so one can choose for himself.

  3. tawassul in shia and sunni ahadith:

  4. Check out this blog:


  6. Wow, I am gone for a few days and behind my back this filthy nasibi pig bhooka makes another of his lame posts! Listen mr bhooka, ALL the marjas allow tawassul! All marjas and scholars order us to chant ya ali madad. Ya Ali Madad is the universal slogan of us shias for CENTURIES, and modern insects like you who were just born yesterday and think that they know more than our marjas, you cant change anything. Us shias are united in following our marjas, and not idiots like you.

    1. That is the point, it has been the slogan for centuries, and even that, how many centuries? 1? 2? 3? You accuse him of being a 'modern insect' when he is trying to show people what tashayyu' was like originally.

      Also, learn to have a little humility, the world doesn't revolve around you.

    2. Dear Brother Shoaib,

      I respect and understand you anger and passion. But please look at this without being emotional. "Ya Ali Madad" has been the slogan for centuries? Where did you get that from brother? This is not true. Please give us some centuries old references for this.

      The fact is that our Imams (as) never taught such a thing, even if you look at their authentic Duas, like Sahifa Sajjadiya, you would not find even one Dua which is addressed to the Prophet (saww) or any other Imam (as), rather all the Duas are addressed to Allah (swt). If this kind of Tawassul was the best way of supplication, then why would Imam Zayn al Abidin (as) teach us an inferior way of supplication (i.e calling Allah (swt) directly)?

      Even in the Quran you see, all the Prophets (as) addressed Allah (swt) in their Duas and not their previous Prophets (as).

      I am sure you might have many arguments to support your claim, I would request you to refer to this blog:

      and read the topics:

      7b) Can we call upon or supplicate to other than Allah (swt)? (A Quranic analysis)
      7c) Can we call upon or supplicate to other than Allah (swt)? (A Quranic Analysis)
      8) Lessons on Dua from Ahlulbayt (as)


      FAQ1: We don’t consider the Imams (as) to be independent…
      FAQ2: The Quran say that martyrs are alive, it mean we can call upon them…
      FAQ3: We dont supplicate to Imams, we only do “Tawassul”…
      FAQ4: If calling upon the Imams is wrong, what about “Dua Tawassul”…
      FAQ5: If calling upon the Imams is wrong then why are our prayers accepted….
      FAQ6: What about “Nad e Ali”…
      FAQ7: “calling upon” in Quran means worship, not Dua….
      FAQ8: Prohibition of “calling upon” is only addressed to mushrikeen of Mecca for their idols….
      FAQ9: We say salam to the prophet in salat, it means he can hear us….

      For further clarification and discussion you can email me on

    3. And one more thing. No one is united by the Marjaas, rather people are divided because of the differences in opinions the MArjaas have and because of the uncompromising position they take on these fatawa.

      Even in the matters of Belief, Ulema from the beginning have been divided over many issues to the extent that they would call each other stupid, ghali, muqassir etc.

      Even in the present times there are maraaje who have opinions different from the popular views.

      Also, Allah (swt) did not make the Marjaas Hujjat upon us. We have strict warning in Quran and hadith not to follow the scholars blindly, and we have examples in Quran how previous nations were deviated because of blindly following their scholars.

      Would you accept if a sunni comes to you and says that all our ulema have ijma that khulafa were good, and all companions were good, will you accept his argument? No, you wont. Then how can you assume that all Shia scholars will be right? Scholars of all sects have sectarian bias and most of the times they give opinions which are popular.

  7. Wow .. It does not have 'Ya Allah' also ..

  8. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَابْتَغُوا إِلَيْهِ الْوَسِيلَةَ وَجَاهِدُوا فِي سَبِيلِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ
    O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive with might and main in his cause: that ye may prosper. (5:35)

    The construction of the above verse indicates that Tawassul is something other than belief (Imaan) and Obedience Piety (Taqwa)

    1. Answering the Tawassul Argument.
