Monday, 16 May 2011

Most people are animals, as per hadith


عدة من أصحابنا، عن سهل بن زياد، عن ابن أبى نجران، عن مثنى الحناط، عن كامل التمار قال: سمعت أبا جعفر (عليه السلام) يقول: الناس كلهم بهائم ثلاثا  إلا قليل من المؤمنين، والمؤمن غريب  ثلاث مرات

A group of our companions, from Sahl b. Ziad, from ibn abi Najran, from Muthna al Hunnat from Kamil al Tammar who said: I heard Aba Ja'far(as) say: The people, all of them are animals [Imam(as) said it] three times, except a small quantity from the believers, and the believer is strange/rare. (Imam(as) said it) 3 times.


  1. Salam,

    Could you please post the precise location of this tradition in Kafi?

  2. @Anonymous: Wasalam,

    It's in Vol 2, page 242, hadith no. 2. I took it from here:

  3. Salamu Alaikom,

    Bother, this tradition is weak, not only it has both weak and majhool narrators in its chain.

  4. Salam,

    Don't forget the Niyya of Sheikh Kulayni (ra), that the collected Hadiths in al-Kafi are sahih.
    And even Sayyed al-Khoei (ra) said that this book is sahih, even if the Sanad is weak.
