Saturday 11 August 2012

Martyrdom of Fatima

  دلائل الإمامة لمحمد بن جرير الطبري (الشيعي) (القرن 4 هـ) صفحة134
Dalailul Imamah by Shaikh Tabari, Page 134

43 / 43 - حدثني أبو الحسين محمد بن هارون بن موسى التلعكبري قال : حدثني أبي قال : حدثني أبو علي محمد بن همام بن سهيل قال : روى أحمد بن محمد بن البرقي عن أحمد بن محمد الأشعري القمي عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي نجران عن عبد الله بن سنان عن ابن مسكان عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد ع قال : ولدت فاطمة ع في جمادى الآخرة يوم العشرين منه سنة خمس وأربعين من مولد النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله). وأقامت بمكة ثمان سنين وبالمدينة عشر سنين وبعد وفاة أبيها خمسة وسبعين يوما . وقبضت في جمادي الآخرة يوم الثلاثاء لثلاث خلون منه سنة إحدى عشرة من الهجرة . وكان سبب وفاتها أن قنفذا مولى عمر لكزها بنعل السيف بأمره فأسقطت محسنا ومرضت من ذلك مرضا شديدا ولم تدع أحدا ممن آذاها يدخل عليها . وكان الرجلان من أصحاب النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) سألا أمير المؤمنين أن يشفع لهما إليها فسألها أمير المؤمنين ع فأجابت فلما دخلا عليها قالا لها : كيف أنت يا بنت رسول الله ؟ قالت : بخير بحمد الله . ثم قالت لهما : ما سمعتما النبي (صلى الله عليه وآله) يقول : " فاطمة بضعة مني فمن آذاها فقد آذاني ومن آذاني فقد آذى الله " ؟ قالا : بلى . قالت : فوالله لقد آذيتماني . قال : فخرجا من عندها وهي ساخطة عليهما

Told me (i.e. Shaikh Tabari) Abul Hussain Muhammad b. Haroon b. Musa al Tala'kabari, who said: Told me my father, who said: Told me Abu Ali Muhammad b. Hammam b. Suhail. Who said: Narrated to me Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid al Barqi from Ahmad b. Muhammad al Asha'ri al Qumi, from Abdur Rahman b. abi Najran, from Abdullah b. sinan, from ibn Muskan, from abi Basir, from Abi Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad (as), who said:

Fatima was born on the 20th of Jamadiul Akhir, when the Prophet (pbuh) was 45 years old. She resided in Mecca for 8 years, and in Medina for 10 years. She lived for 75 days after the death of the Prophet (pbuh). She died on the 3rd of Jamadi al Thani, 11 AH. The cause of her death was that Qunfuz, the slave of Umar, struck her with the handle of his sword as per Umar's order, which caused the miscarriage of her unborn son Muhsin and she became extremely sick. She did not allow anyone from her oppressors to approach her. The two men (who had oppressed her) were from the companions of the Prophet (pbuh). They requested Ali (as) to intercede to Fatima for them. Ali (as) asked her and she replied (granting them permission to talk to her). So when they approached her, they (audaciously) asked her: “How are you, O daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)?” She replied: “I am fine, by the grace of Allah (swt).” Then she confronted them: “Had you both not heard the Prophet (pbuh) say: Fatima is a part of me, whoever hurts her hurts me, and whoever hurts me has displeased/angered Allah”? They said: “Of course we had heard that.” She said: “So by Allah you both have hurt me!” Imam (as) said: “They both left her while she was furious at them.”

صححها الرواية :

مرآة الكمال الشيخ المامقاني الجزء 3 صفحة 267 : سندها قوي
صراط النجاة الميرزا جواد التبريزي الجزء 3 صفحة 441 : عن دلائل الإمامة بسند معتبر
مأساة الزهراء الجزء 2 صفحة 66 السيد جعفر مرتضى : سند الرواية صحيح
الشيخ عباس القمي : كتاب بيت الاحزان : ص 189 : وروى محمد بن جرير الطبري الامامي بسند معتبر
السيد الخوئي : صراط النجاة : ج 3 : سؤال سؤال 980 قال : ذلك مشهور معروف

Authenticity of this hadith
Shaikh Mamqani said in his Miratul Kamal, Volume 3 Page 267: Its sanad is strong 
Ayatollah Jawad Tabrizi wrote in his Siratul Nijat (Volume 3 Page 441): The sanad is reliable 
Ayatollah Ja'far Mutada al Amuli wrote in Ma'sat al Zahra (Volume 2 Page 66): The sanad is sahih
Shaikh Abbas Qummi (Baitul Ahzan Page 189): The sanad is reliable
Ayatullah Khoei (Siratul Nijat Volume 3 Question 980): "This incident is very well known


  1. Salaam.

    Is the first narrator mahjool?

  2. Any scholar who says this hadīth is authentic, really needs to take hadīth science again. Any which way You want to make it, this hadīth is da`īf.

  3. Then, are there any narrations which are authentic on this matter? Or is it just given weight by the number of narrations in total? Surely we must have even one narration which is saheeh according to our standards?

  4. Nader! this hadith is saheeh, all narrators thiqa, see:

  5. So there are no mahjool narrators in the sanad?

  6. أبو الحسين محمد بن هارون بن موسى التلعكبري
    his trustworthiness not established. general saying of nijashi that he met him and found good or he from teacher of najashi is not a trustworthiness in our shia hadith science. if such is a trustworthiness then a big question mark arises on huge number of narrations having narrators of such general praise statements. none of our classical scholar of hadith and rij'al declared him trustworthy. even aljawahri declared him majhool in almufid mojam rij'al hadith.
