Saturday 8 December 2012

Questioning in the grave

الكافي - الشيخ الكليني - ج ٣ - الصفحة ٢٣٥

 Kafi by Shaikh Kulaini, Volume 3 Page 235

(باب) * (المسألة في القبر ومن يسأل ومن لا يسأل) *

Section on the questioning in the grave, who is questioned and who is not questioned

 4713 - 1 - أبو علي الأشعري، عن محمد بن عبد الجبار، عن الحجال، عن ثعلبة، عن أبي بكر الحضرمي قال: قال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): لا يسأل في القبر إلا من محض الايمان محضا أو محض الكفر محضا والآخرون يلهون عنهم (3).

(3) " محض الايمان " على صيغة الفعل أي أخلص الايمان ويحتمل أن يكون بصيغة المصدر أي لا يسأل الا من الايمان والكفر ولعل الأول أظهر بقرينة الخبر الآتي تحت رقم 8 و 15

كلمة" من" بالفتح اسم موصول و (محض) على صيغة الفعل أي لا يسأل في القبر إلا المؤمن الخالص و الكافر الخالص، و أما المستضعفون المتوسطون بينهما فلا ثواب لهم في البرزخ و لا عقاب إلى أن يحشروا، و ربما يقرأ من: بالكسر و محض: بصيغة المصدر، أي لا يسأل في القبر إلا عن العقائد و أما الأعمال فلا سؤال عنها فيه، و الأول أظهر و كذا فهمه الأصحاب كالمفيد (قدس سره) و غيره و سيأتي ما يؤيده بل يعينه

و اللهو
 (3) ليس على المعنى الحقيقي بل هو كناية عن عدم التعرض لهم بثواب أو عقاب أو سؤال و ما سوى ذلك لعله يشمل المستضعفين من المؤمنين أيضا

1- Abu Ali al Ash'ari, from Muhammad b. Abdil Jabbar, from al Hujal, from Thu'alabah, from Abi Bakr al Hadrami, who said: Abu Abdillah (as) said: "No one is questioned in the grave except for the extremely pure believer or the complete out and out kafir (disbeliever), the rest are left alone."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Vol 14 page 206): Hasan

4714 - 2 - عدة من أصحابنا، عن سهل بن زياد، عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي نجران، عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: إنما يسأل في قبره من محض الايمان محضا والكفر محضا وأما ما سوى ذلك فيلهى عنهم.

2- A group among our companions, from Sahl b. Ziyad, from Abdir Rahman b. Abi Najran, from Abdullah b. Sinan, from Abi Abdillah (as), who said: "Only the extremely pure believer and the complete out and out kafir are questioned in the grave, the rest are left alone."


Ayatullah Naeni (Mu'jam rijal Vol 1 page 81 and Durus Tamhidiyah): Sahih
Ayatullah Muhammad Sadiq al Sadr (Al Shia Page 127-128): Sahih
Shaikh Hurr al Amili (Khatima Wasail Page 249): Sahih
Muhaqqiq Karaki (Jami' al Maqasid, Vol 12 Page 12): Sahih  
Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani (Hadaiq al Nadirah Vol 1 Page 16): Sahih
Muhadith Noori (Khatimah Al Mustadrak Vol 3 Page 363): Sahih 
Mullah Faid Kashani (Wafi Vol 1 Page 23): Sahih 

4715 - 3 - أبو علي الأشعري عن محمد بن عبد الجبار، عن محمد بن إسماعيل، عن منصور بن يونس، عن ابن بكير، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) قال، إنما يسأل في قبره من محض الايمان محضا والكفر محضا وأما ما سوى ذلك فيلهى عنه

3- Abu Ali al Ash'ari, from Muhammad b. Abdil Jabbar, from Muhammad b. Ismail, from Mansoor b. Yunus, from Ibn Bukair, from Abi Ja'far (as), who said: "Only the extremely pure believer and the complete out and out kafir are questioned in the grave, the one who is not like that is left alone."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Vol 14 page 207): Muwaththaq

- 4 - محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن النضر ابن سويد، عن يحيى الحلبي، عن بريد بن معاوية، عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): لا يسأل في القبر إلا من محض الايمان محضا أو محض الكفر محضا

4- Muhammad b. Yahya, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from al Hussain b. Saeed, from al Nudr b. Suwaid, from Yahya al Halabi, from Buraid b. Muawiyah, from Muhammad b. Muslim, who said: Abu Abdillah (as) said: "No one is questioned in the grave except for the extremely pure believer or the complete out and out kafir (disbeliever)."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Vol 14 page 207): Sahih 

- 8 - عدة من أصحابنا، عن سهل بن زياد، عن محمد بن الحسن بن شمون، عن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن، عن عبد الله بن القاسم، عن أبي بكر الحضرمي قال: قلت لأبي جعفر (عليه السلام) أصلحك الله من المسؤولون في قبورهم، قال: من محض الايمان ومن محض الكفر، قال: قلت: فبقية هذا الخلق؟ قال: يلهى والله عنهم ما يعبأ بهم

8- A group among our companions, from Sahl b. Ziyad, from Muhammad b. al Hasan b. Shamoon, from Abdillah b. Abdir Rahman, from Abdillah b. al Qasim, from Abi Bakr al Hadrami, who said: I said to Abi Ja'fer (as): "May Allah (swt)do the best to you,who are the ones who are questioned in their graves? Imam (as) replied: "The extremely pure believers and the complete out and out kuffar (disbelievers)." I asked: "And the rest of the people?" Imam (as) said: "They are left alone."


Ayatullah Naeni (Mu'jam rijal Vol 1 page 81 and Durus Tamhidiyah): Sahih
Ayatullah Muhammad Sadiq al Sadr (Al Shia Page 127-128): Sahih
Shaikh Hurr al Amili (Khatima Wasail Page 249): Sahih
Muhaqqiq Karaki (Jami' al Maqasid, Vol 12 Page 12): Sahih  
Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani (Hadaiq al Nadirah Vol 1 Page 16): Sahih
Muhadith Noori (Khatimah Al Mustadrak Vol 3 Page 363): Sahih
Mullah Faid Kashani (Wafi Vol 1 Page 23): Sahih 


من لا يحضره الفقيه - الشيخ الصدوق - ج ١ - الصفحة ١٧٨

Man la Yahduruhul Faqih by Shaikh Sadooq, Volume 1 page 178

- وقال الصادق عليه السلام: " لا يسأل في القبر إلا من محض الايمان محضا أو محض الكفر محضا، والباقون ملهو عنهم إلى يوم القيامة

Imam al Sadiq (as) said: "No one is questioned in the grave except for the extremely pure believer or the complete out and out kafir (disbeliever), the rest are left alone until qiyamah (judgement day)."


Ayatullah Burujerdi (Kuliyat fi Ilmir rijal, page 385): Sahih Ayatullah Khomeini: Sahih Ayatullah Fadil Lankarani: Sahih
Shaikh Bahai (Kuliyat fi Ilmir rijal, page 383): Sahih
Muhaqqiq Damad (Kuliyat fi Ilmir rijal, page 384): Sahih

 الفصول المهمة في أصول الأئمة - الحر العاملي - ج ١ - الصفحة ٣٢٣

Fusul al Muhimmah by Shaikh Hurr al Amili, Volume 1 Page 323

إن كل من محض الإيمان أو الكفر يسأل في القبر فينعم أو يعذب ساعة والباقون لا يسألون إلى يوم القيامة

(Shaikh Hurr al Amili says) Indeed all the extremely pure believers and the complete out and out kuffar would be questioned in the grave, and rewarded or punished (accordingly) at the moment, and the rest would not be questioned till qiyahamah 


  1. Are you sure about this, maybe there is a different interpretation for these ahadith?? Because questioning of the grave is an accepted and agreed belief among all muslims, not just the shias. This is basic knowledge and believing in the hereafter, life in the grave as well as after qiyamah are fundamentals of deen. Quran also mentions Alam e Barzakh. I suggest you ask a knowledgeable shaykh please before posting wrong stuff. I've NEVER heard any shia, whether an Alim or a layman, deny questioning of the grave

    Because what you posted says that only the very pure believers and kuffar would be questioned, whereas obviously the majority of people are not like that, they are somewhere in between. They are ordinary believers and kafirs. So that means now that the vast majority of people would not be questioned in grave??? Please recheck.

  2. All of the hadeeth mentioned in this blog post are Weak, except for these two:

    4715 - 3 - أبو علي الأشعري عن محمد بن عبد الجبار، عن محمد بن إسماعيل، عن منصور بن يونس، عن ابن بكير، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) قال، إنما يسأل في قبره من محض الايمان محضا والكفر محضا وأما ما سوى ذلك فيلهى عنه

    3- Abu Ali al Ash'ari, from Muhammad b. Abdil Jabbar, from Muhammad b. Ismail, from Mansoor b. Yunus, from Ibn Bukair, from Abi Ja'far (as), who said: "Only the extremely pure believer and the complete out and out kafir are questioned in the grave, the one who is not like that is left alone."


    Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Vol 14 page 207): Muwaththaq

    - 4 - محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن النضر ابن سويد، عن يحيى الحلبي، عن بريد بن معاوية، عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): لا يسأل في القبر إلا من محض الايمان محضا أو محض الكفر محضا

    4- Muhammad b. Yahya, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from al Hussain b. Saeed, from al Nudr b. Suwaid, from Yahya al Halabi, from Buraid b. Muawiyah, from Muhammad b. Muslim, who said: Abu Abdillah (as) said: "No one is questioned in the grave except for the extremely pure believer or the complete out and out kafir (disbeliever)."


    Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Vol 14 page 207): Sahih

    Both gradings are correct, as for the rest, they are highly wrong.

  3. Thanks brother Nader Zaveri, that was quick.

    So the gradings were wrong! But I am still very confused because you said 2 of the hadith (out of the 6) are authentic and were graded correctly, and they also say same thing that ordinary people won't be questioned in grave. Could you please double check the gradings of those 2 hadith also again please, maybe they are still also weak?

    Or is there a different interpretation?? What do our scholars, the real scholars, say about this? Some one please help.

  4. as salaamu alaykum,

    I had made a thread asking a question relating to this, can we take not being questioned with not being generally aware of what's going on, following the view of shaykh al-Mufeed?

  5. If there is no questioning in the grave for ordinary people i.e. the vast majority, then why do we say talqeen to the dead person when burying him? Why is it done for EVERY dead person.

    This post is definitely wrong, it flies in the face of basic facts.

  6. This was also mentioned by Shaykh Mufid in his Tashih al-I`tiqad. Remember that we have ayat in al-Qur'an where in al-Qiyamah, a lot of people are surprised and confused when they are resurrected because they feel like they are like being woken up after sleeping. The Sunni position that everyone will be questioned in the grave directly contradicts those ayat, while the Shi`i position is perfectly aligned with those.

  7. Salam aleikum

    I am wondering at the replies of some of our people here.
    The brother never stated his own opinion or claimed anything, except for posting Ahadith from our Mawala as-Sadiq and his father (as).
    I wonder what kind of Shias you are? Where is your Itaat AhlulBayt (as)?
    Instead you provide answers like "This cannot be", "Its basic simple knowledge"...Now please tell me where you have this knowledge from? Maybe all the years of your reading from sources of 'Amme and listening to Masjid Sheikhs misled you afterall? And now the brother here has done an excellent job of letting us know the opinion of Ale Muhammad (as) and instead of falling into amazement as to how ignorant one has been about this issue (and i am including myself) and thanking Allah (swt) that he luminated us with knowledge of AhlulBayt (as) so we can have the correct Aqidah about Questioning in the Grave, look at the answers you are giving and ask yourself before your are being asked.

    As to the answer of Brother Nader it is obvious that all of the Ahadith are correct in matn and a many scholars (some of which brother Bhooka has listed here) are of this opinion. Even of some are weak sanadan if you adhere strictly to Ilm al Rijal, it doesnt disprove their content.

    So the content is very much correct and some scholar heavyweights have relied on these Ahadith as it turns out


  8. ^Wa 'alaykum as salaam,

    Mashaa'allaah, what a beautiful post.

  9. Why has bhooka runaway? Why is he not answering any of the questions? Did he post this just to create fitnah and troll us shias?

  10. Salam aleikum

    He posted this to let us know the truth, which he did.
    Anyone having questions (not answers against ahadith of ahlulbayt as) can raise them forward and I am sure he will answer.
    But to answer objections like "This cannot be" etc is a waste of time when we have CLEAR Ahadith on the issue


    1. Why doesn't he answer Nader, about the gradings? Why did bhooka lie about the gradings? It's obvious that he doesn't answer because he doesn't have an answer.

    2. Its because there is no need to answer, as it was already prooven that the content of all the Ahadith is correct. Even two of those Ahadith are correct by Brother Naders standard.
      All of the Ahadith above are correct as per the scholars Brother Bhooka posted, either directly or indirectly.
      Sheikh Kulayni (ra) also approves of the content of those Ahadith. He even named a whole chapter after it. If you had really read the post instead of trying so hard to not believe it you would have noticed.

      Its your turn now to DISPROOVE the content (that there will be only questioning in the grave for the real kuffar and the real mumin) WITH OTHER AHADITH (!). Why dont you try instead of attacking Brother Bhooka who just posted Ahadith and their (direct and indirect) gradings by scholars.
      He didnt even say one word of his own...

