Monday 7 April 2014

Favourite hobby of the infallibles (as) and pious believers

الفصول المهمة في أصول الأئمة - الحر العاملي - ج ٣ - الصفحة ٣٨٩

Al Fusul al Muhimmah by Shaikh Hurr al Amili, Volume 3 Page 389

باب 113 - ألذ اللذات

Section 113: The most pleasurable pleasure

(3146) 1 - محمد بن يعقوب، عن محمد بن يحيى، عن سلمة بن الخطاب، عن علي بن حسان، عن بعض أصحابنا قال: سألنا أبا عبد الله (ع)، أي شئ ألذ؟
قال: فقلنا غير شئ، فقال هو: ألذ الأشياء، مباضعة النساء

1- Shaikh Kulaini, from Muhammad b. Yahya, from Salmah b. al Khattab, from Ali b. Hassaan, from some of our companions, who said: we asked Aba Abdillah (as): "What is the most pleasurable thing?", and we gave our own opinions as well. So the Imam (as) replied: "The most pleasurable thing is having intercourse with the women."


Ayatullah Ali Namazi Shahroodi (Al 'Alaamul Haadiyah, Page 7): Sahih

(3147) 2 - وعن عدة من أصحابنا، عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي، عن الحسن بن أبي قتادة، عن رجل، عن جميل بن دراج قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع):
ما تلذذ الناس في الدنيا والآخرة بلذة أكثر لهم من لذة النساء وهو قول الله: (زين للناس حب الشهوات من النساء والبنين) إلى آخر الآية ثم قال: وإن أهل الجنة، ما يتلذذون بشئ من الجنة، أشهى عندهم من النكاح، لا طعام ولا شراب

2- And a group among our companions, from Ahmad b. abi Abdillah al Barqi, from al Hasan b. abi Qatada, from a man, from Jumail b. Darraj, who said: Abu Abdillah (as) said: "There is nothing more pleasurable for people, in this world as well as the hereafter, than the pleasure of women. This is exactly what the Qur'an says [3:14: Love for the desires, to gain women and have sons, has been made attractive for people........]", then continued: "The occupants of heaven will not enjoy themselves with anything more desirable to them than having intercourse, food and drink will pale in comparison."


Ayatullah Ali Namazi Shahroodi (Al 'Alaamul Haadiyah, Page 8): Sahih

 (3148) 3 - وعن علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن حفص بن البختري، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ص): ما أصيب من دنياكم إلا النساء والطيب

3- And from Ali b. Ibrahim, from his father, from Hafs b. al Bakhtri, from Abi Abdillah (as), who said: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Nothing strikes me from your world, except for the women and scents/perfumes."


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Volume 20, Page 6 : Hasan 
Bahboodi (Sahih al Kafi, Volume 3, Page 6): Sahih

(3149) 4 - وعنه، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن بكار بن كردم، وغير واحد،عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ص): جعلت قرة عيني في الصلاة ولذتي في النساء.

4- And from him, from his father, from ibn abi Umair, from Bakar b. Kardam, and more than one person, from Abi Abdillah (as), who said: "The coolness of my eyes has been ordained in prayers, and my pleasure is found in women." 


Baqir Majlisi (Miratul Uqul, Volume 20, Page 6 : Like Hasan

 باب 120 - أن في كل شئ إسرافا إلا النساء

Section 120 - Everything is subject to extravagance, except the number of women one may have

(3163) 1 - محمد بن مسعود العياشي في تفسيره، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن، عمن أخبره، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) أنه قال: في كل شئ إسراف إلا النساء، قال الله عز وجل: (فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء) وقال: (وأحل لكم ما وراء ذلكم).

1- Shaikh al Ayyashi in his Tafsir, from Yunus b. Abdur Rahman, from someone who told him, that Abi Abdillah (as) said: "Everything is subject to extravagance, except the number of women one may have. Allah has said [4:3: Marry the women you like], and He (swt) also said [4:23: and allowed for you are all women apart from the forbidden ones mentioned earlier]" 


Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi (Limaza al Kawarith, Page 8): Sahih


  1. Do you seriously expect us shias to believe that the Prophet (saww) and the Imams (s) were such lustful people to always be obsessed with women??

    Go try to fool someone else you demented nasibi donkey.

  2. Have some respect for women bhooka, us women are not just sex objects!

    1. According to Ahadith woman are also there for having sex. There is no problem with that sister.

    2. According to the Rafidi author of this blog, women are not just sex objects. Rather, they are sex objects who are to be kept stupid and ignorant, and locked up in the home.
      The Sunnis even narrate hadiths from the daughters of Imam Husayn, and the women scholars of hadith in Sunni Islam are many.
      The author of this blog, though, seems to think it is a virtue of Shi'ism that they don't take hadiths from women.
      I congratulate the Shi'is on their religion.

  3. This is so funny. In EVERY single post he makes you act like its him talking. He just quotes Ahadith!!! Get over it. If you reject Ahadith thats your problem, but stop acting like he is saying that out of his opinion. He is quoting the very same Imams which you claim to follow. So do you follow them or go against their sayings just because you dont like it?
    Or do you want to debate the authenticity of the Ahadith...guess what. That has already been provided.

  4. The very same Imam's (as) in the very next chapter in "الفصول المهمة في أصول الأئمة" says that love of women is Fitnah..

    1. So according to you do Aimmah (as) contradict themselves, audhubillah, or do we have to understand "love of woman" in both cases to be interpreted differently?

    2. The owner of the blog has to respond to that. Because he has chosen to take out individual/specific narrations. Its some times very important to understand the context of the narrations.

  5. I wouldn't advise anyone to hold their breath waiting for this loser lowlife nasibi donkey bhooka to reply. He is just a fitna monger, who produces inflammatory posts containing complete lies once every month or couple of months to produce fitna, and then disappears until the next post.

    It is blindingly obvious that he is just a paid fitna monger, an agent of the western forces like FBI and CIA, out to destroy shia religion from inside, because fbi and cia know that they can never openly attack Iran and hezbullah and win, so they use pawns like bhooka which is even more effective because it destroys shia religion from inside.

    Please wakeup bhooka followers, please before it is too late!

  6. The 'Amma always laugh at us and claim that if more of our books were translated into English, most people would leave tashayyu' due to their content, nice to see the readers of this blog proving them right.

  7. Twelver on verge of apostacy20 April 2014 at 17:25

    I have been reading this blog for about 3 months, and I must say my faith has been completely shaken by the "secrets" that seem to be exposed on this site, and am almost on the verge of leaving shiaism and infact even islam now. I am 20 years old and live in US. I was born in a traditional shia family, but in my early teens I sort of began to rebel and started neglecting religion.

    Then about 1 year ago I started following shia islam with renewed interest and passion, after listening to lectures by Shaikh Hasnain RajabAli. Then some months ago I stumbled onto this site, which shook the very foundations of my faith. It seems to me now that islam is only about fulfilling carnal desires and no respect is to be given to women. I am only now beginning to lose trust in our speakers like hasnain rajabali and nakshwani, whom i used to love listening to, as it seems they just say what is appeasing to the masses and hide the truth.

    I also find it hard to discard all that is on this site, because the gradings say "sahih". Although i don't have any knowledge of hadith science and wouldn't know how accurate these gradings are, but have not seen any knowledgeable member refute these ahadith academically either. Besides, even if these ahadith are weak by the standards of some scholars, I still don't see how they could be unanimously discarded.

    All in all I just terribly confused and scared. I don't know where the truth is and dont want to jump to hastily incase I am wrong. Please knowledgeable brothers and sisters, please help me and refute these things and tell me what the truth is!!

    1. Twelver on verge of apostacy21 April 2014 at 12:12


    2. Brother please dont get upset because of this zionist nasibi pig, bhooka. Please be aware that NONE of our books are sahih, like how sunnis consider their books such as sahih bukhari to be sahih. We shias only believe quran to be completely sahih.

      As for the hadith books, their authors like shaikh kulaini only gathered the ahadith to preserve them from getting lost in the passage of time. So in this endeavour, they collected ALL hadith they could lay their hands on, whether sahih or not, so that they would be preserved for the upcoming SCHOLARS who would then grade them. That's why us shias follow marjas, and NONE of the marjas have ever graded these ahadith to be sahih. This nasibi pig only quotes completely unknown and obscure scholars' gradings, who dont have any standing in the shia academic world.

      Hope this helps brother!


    4. In Case you are not some dumb sunni, all i can say is judge the Religion not by What you want to Hear ( you dont Follow a Religion because it teaches What you Like to Hear) but by its probability of being a Message of god.
      So judge not the Religion by your Thinking but adjust your Thinking to Religion.
      Also some of the Ahadith here have to be considered in a Context. There are also Ahadith that praise Woman very much. In Fact One of the best Believers were Woman like khadijah, Mariam, asiya or Fatima (on all be Peace of god)

    5. Enlightened Shia Free Thinker16 June 2014 at 02:55

      So in other words, we should just have blind faith? That is so idiotic.

    6. Look brother,

      Life is seldom black and white, the truth is out there but this world is structured so that struggle is inevitable. Don't expect to find the truth in a boxed-package--the truth is a journey far more than it is a destination. I've been fortunate enough to take some lessons in hadith literature and criticism and the fact of the matter is hadith must be taken with a grain of salt. Where there is guidance take it, where there is misguidance leave it--i don't care if it's sahih, super-sahih (lol). The science of hadith grading is a tool, to POSSIBLY ascertain the veracity of the hadith--but it isn't definitive tool. The proof is there are quite a few hadiths that are equally graded sahih and are also contrary/contradictory to each other!

      It's a long discussion, however, to put it briefly hadith is the product of these factors:
      - Delay in writing what the Prophet/Imam's said, most hadiths were written well over two centuries after the Prophet!
      - There was a ban on writing hadiths, meaning many hadiths were forgotten, others likely lost accuracy
      - Reliance on Memory, father to son/person to person, generation after generation, details are bound to get distorted
      - Lack of consistent writing (some ahadiths were written straight after the Imam spoke, others not)
      - Influence of Politics (various periods of time encountered severe religious-political repression and persecution--look at taqiyyah)
      - Influence of 'Rival' Religions (the influence of Christianity/Judaisim is all over our haidth literature--read up on israeliyyat)
      - Influence of 'Rival' Sects (influence of 'Sunni' Islam for instant..)
      - Influence of Extremist factions (like the ghulaat--who exaggerated various aspects of Shi'ite belief)
      - Linguistic issues, errors do to transcription

      I'm sure there are quite a few other issues that I've missed--but the point in fact is hadiths are to be taken with a grain of salat--the foundations of our beautiful deen are found in the Quran--the hadith only adds some salt and sugar here and there :) Coming across a series of troublesome hadiths doesn't mean you throw your entire religion in the bin. The fact is, more often than not, whenever something is in the hands of MAN it gets tampered and distorted especially in Time. Stay faithful, do your duties, and let your Quran and Reason help you sift through the Hadith mess where needed :)

      That said, I applaud the effort of this blog, to bring out the skeletons and dust off hadiths that are often swept under the rug--it's good to know what is there, even if we perhaps don't agree with it, much less want to hear more about it.


    7. please mind the typos in my post, i wrote this in a rush lol

      another note..many of these issues with hadiths apply as well to the Sunni world of hadtih--they developed in tandem.

  8. you Shiit are all on kofr!! Your books are full of kofr and bida. See for yourself:


      Post #55 onwards

      There are racist narrations in your religion as well, so don't be a hypocrite

      Your scholars say it is ok to have sex with an infant

  9. I like how shias are rejecting their own sources now. I’ve never met a Shia who knows his hadiths well. Where are your muhadiths oh Shia!

    1. Your comment reeks of ignorance. While deeming a hadith sahih, does it mean it was devoid of taqiya? Does it mean it was not mentioned under circumstances that you choose to believe? And does it contradict the saying of masomeen that whatever is ascribed to us and contradicts our dignity should not be accepted. A hadith deemed sahih doesn't necessarily mean that it is valid. It simply means the chain of narration is good. Same thing in Sunni science of hadith. For example the hadiths of golden chain of Ahlul Bayt AS showing Maula Ali AS and Syeda Zahra SA missed prayers and devised alibis for it! The golden rule emphasized by Imams is the content whereby it will be seen if it is accordance with lofty character of masomeen. So stop this charade. Also to others here one needs to have a better understanding of hadith to express opinions. Like the hadith women is fitnah is actually means a trail by Allah SWT expecting you to deal well with her as she is a test. Not something evil.

  10. the fact that people are loosing their minds over the imams (as) saying sex is good is so delusional, may god curse you retards
