Thursday 11 April 2024

Belief in Imam al Mahdi (as)

 "An academic study of the prophetic sayings about the Mahdi", page 92, by Ayatullah Abul Fadhl al Burqei (Arabic translation by Dr. Sa'd Rustam)

Be aware that, over the passage of time*, it is famous among the majority of Muslims, that there must be an appearance of a man from the household of the Prophet (pbuh), at the end of times; [who will] support the religion, make justice appear, the Muslims will follow him and he will take charge of the Islamic nations, and he would be known as the 'Mahdi'.

*Ayatullah al Burqei's footnote: In our view, there was no existence of this thought in the time of the companions of the Prophet (pbuh), and this belief only propagated among the Muslims after the era of the companions.

Book publication details and Arabic text:

1 comment:

  1. So that means according to ayatollahs there is no Imam Mahdi, and there are only 11 imams?
