Tuesday 8 February 2011

Black clothes and caps

These days it's a common sight to see shi'ite speakers, lecturers and scholars wearing black clothes and black caps, especially during muharram. Is this behavior valid as per ahadith? And are there any exceptions for wearing black clothes in muharram as per ahadith?

Man la yahdhuruhul faqih

وسئل الصادق عليه السلام " عن الصلاة في القلنسوة السوداء ؟ فقال : لا تصل
فيها فإنها لباس أهل النار

And (narrator) asked al Sadiq(as) "About prayer in the hat/cap that's black?" (Imam(as)) said "Don't pray in it for it's the clothing of the people of fire(hell)."

وقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فيما علم أصحابه : " لا تلبسوا السواد فإنه
لباس فرعون

And said Amirul momineen in the course of giving knowledge to his companions: "Don't wear black for it's the clothing of Fir'aun (Pharoah)." 

و " كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يكره السواد إلا في ثلاثة : العمامة والخف

And Rasool Allah (PBUH) used to dislike black except in 3: The amama (turban) and the khuff (special type of very light and flat footwear) and the kisa (cloak). 


  1. Isn't there a clear distinction between wearing black in Muharram and in other months?

    By putting Ammar Nakshawani's picture in this post, and stating such trdaitions, you are hinting and linking him to people of the hell.

    Be very careful about what you state and who you indirectly accuse.

    Even in the picture that you posted, it seems that he is giving this lecture in Muharram.

    You need to explain this post, and make the distinction between wearing black in Muharram and wearing black in other months very clear.

  2. @Anonymous: Assalam alaykum,

    No, there isn't a distinction at all between wearing black in muharram or in other months. That was the whole point of making this post, to show through authentic ahadith that wearing black ALWAYS(no exception for muharram)is extremely disliked. You can read the ahadith for yourself. We can't just create our own rules, as in in this case that wearing black in muharram is ok or recommended. It's not so. The ahadith are very clear on this.

    In fact, it's strange that we shias commemorate muharram to show our love and support to Imam Hussain(as) and the ahlulbayt, yet in this month itself we wear the clothing that they strictly told us not to wear.

    As for the photo in the thread, our speakers have a responsibility. They should set an example, a good one, instead of actually going against ahlulbayt(as) thereby misguiding the ignorant ones into thinking that such behavior(in this case wearing black) is OK.
