Illal ul Sharai of Shaikh Sadooq (381 AH) Volume 2 Page 531
العلة التي من أجلها يجب الاخذ بخلاف ما تقوله العامة
Chapter on the reason due to which it is wajib (obligatory) to follow the opposite of what the 'aama (non shia ummah) state.
1 - حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن أبي اسحاق الارجاني رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) أتدري لم امرتم بالاخذ بخلاف ما تقول العامة؟ فقلت: لا ندرى، فقال: ان عليا (ع) لم يكن يدين الله بدين الا خالف عليه الامة إلى غيره أرادة لابطال أمره وكانوا يسألون أمير المؤمنين (ع) عن الشئ الذي لا يعلمونه فإذا أفتاهم جعلوا له ضدا من عندهم ليلبسوا على الناس
1- Told us my father(ra), who said: Told us Ahmad b. Idris from Abi Ishaq al Arjani who lifted it (the sanad/chain by narrating in marf'oo manner), he said: Imam Ja'far al Sadiq(as) said "Do you know why you people have been ordered to follow the opposite of what 'aama say? I said "We do not know." (Imam ) said "Verily Ali did not judge in religion of Allah(swt) but the ummah would dissent on it to other than it so as to topple his government and they(aama) would ask Amirul momineen(as) about the things which they did not know, so when Ali (as) would give them his fatwa, they(aama) would impose to it the opposite(fatwa) from themselves so as to cause confusion upon the people."
2 - حدثنا جعفر بن علي عن علي بن عبد الله عن معاذ قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) اني اجلس في المجلس فيأتيني الرجل فإذا عرفت انه يخالفكم اخبرته بقول غيركم، وان كان ممن يقول بقولكم فان كان ممن لا ادري اخبرته بقولكم قول غيركم فيختار لنفسه، قال: رحمك الله هكذا فاصنع
2- Told us Ja'far b. Ali from Ali b. Abdullah from Mu'adh who said: I said to abi Abdullah (as): "Indeed I sit in a gathering, then a man comes to me so when I have known that he opposes you I tell him the saying of others, and if he were one of whom profess by your statement, then if I do not know of whom he were I tell him your saying and of others so he may choose by himself." Imam (as) said: "So do like this, may Allah (swt) bless you."
3 - حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن عمرو بن أبي المقدام عن علي بن الحسين عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إذا كنتم في أئمة الجور فامضوا في أحكامهم، ولا تشهروا أنفسكم فتقتلوا، وان تعاملتم باحكامهم كان خيرا لكم
3- Told us my father (ra), who said: Told us Sa'd b. Abdullah from Amru b. abi al Muqdam from Ali b. al Hussain from abi Abdullah (as) who said: "When you are among oppressive leaders then act by their orders, and do not publicize yourselves so you kill yourselves, and if you carry out their orders it would be better for you people."
4 - حدثنا علي بن أحمد عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن علي بن اسباط قال قلت له - يعني الرضا (ع) - حدث الامر من أمري لا اجد بدا من معرفته، وليس في البلد الذي انا فيه احد استفته من مواليك، قال: فقال ايت فقيه البلد، فإذا كان ذلك فاستفيه في أمرك، فإذا افتاك بشئ فخذ بخلافه فان الحق فيه
4- Told us Ali b. Ahmad from Ahmad b. abi Abdullah from Ali b. Asbat who said: I said to him, i.e. al Redha (as): "An issue occurs among my affair, I do not find a way out from knowing it and in the city which I am in there is none from your adherents who can tell its fatwa." Imam (as) said: "Come to the faqih (jurist) of the city then ask his fatwa on your issue, so when he issues you his fatwa about a thing then follow the opposite of it for verily the truth is in that."
الإحتجاج للشيخ الطبرسي الجزء2 صفحة109
Al Ihtijaj by Shaikh Tabrisi Volume 2 Page 109
وروى سماعة بن مهران قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام قلت: يرد علينا حديثان، واحد يأمرنا بالأخذ به، والآخر به ينهانا عنه؟.
قال: لا تعمل بواحد منهما حتى تلقي صاحبك فتسأله عنه.
قال: قلت: لا بد من أن نعمل بأحدهما.
قال: خذ بما فيه خلاف العامة، فقد أمر عليه السلام بترك ما وافق العامة، لأنه يحتمل أن يكون قد ورد مورد التقية، وما خالفهم لا يحتمل ذلكAnd it is narrated from Sama'a b. Mahran, he said: I asked Aba Abdullah (as), I said: "Two ahadith are referred upon us, one ordering us to follow through it and the other one of it forbidding us from it? Imam(as) said: "Do not act on any of them till you meet your master, then ask him about it." I said: I said: "There is no alternative than that we act on one of them." Imam(as) said: "Follow what in it is against the aamah.
Shaikh Tabrisi says: "Thus Imam (as) have ordered to leave what is in accordance to the 'aama, for that it is possible that it has been stated in a situation of taqiyya, and what is opposed to them that is not possible."
ReplyDeleteis this hadith sahih?
If so, can you elaborate on its meaning and implications?
@Anonymous: Wasalam,
ReplyDeleteYes it is. It's also backed up by other similar ahadith, such as one in kafi which as per majlisi's grading is accepted among scholars.
As for its meaning and implication, that has been explained in other ahadith. One of the implications is that if you do not know the ruling about an issue and you don't have access to a knowledgeable shia, you should go to the town's non shia/sunni/wahabi scholar and ask his fatwa. Then whatever fatwa he gives, you should do the opposite. You can read that hadith here:
Another implication is(as explained in a hadith in kafi), that if you come across conflicting ahadith from Imams(as), then you should act on the one which says opposite to the sunni/wahabis. This is because sometimes the Imams(as) would give rulings as per sunni/non shia laws due to taqiyya, or sometimes non shias would fabricate ahadith as per their sunni rules and attribute it to the Imams(as).