Monday, 12 December 2011

Khums during ghayba

Earlier I had made a post listing the ahadith on the ruling of khums.

This post will list the rulings of our great classical scholars regarding khums during ghayba (occultation) of our Imam (as).

مختلف الشيعة - العلامة الحلي - ج ٣ - الصفحة ٣١٤

Mukhtalif al Shia by Allama Hilli, Volume 3, Page 314

احتج ابن الجنيد بأصالة براءة الذمة، وبما رواه عبد الله بن سنان قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: ليس الخمس إلا في الغنائم خاصة

Ibn Junaid argued for Khums not being obligatory in itself due to what has been narrated by Abdullah b. Sinan, who said: I heard Aba Abdullah (as) say: "There is no khums but except specifically on the spoils of war."

المراسم في الفقه الامامى
الففقيه حمزه بن عبدالعزيز الديلمى الملقب بسلار
المتوفى سنة ٤٦٣ هـ

Al Marasim fi al fiqh al Imami (page 140) by Shaikh Salar al Daylami (364AH)(ra)

وفي هذا الزمان قد احلونا فيما نتصرف فيه من ذلك كرما وفضلا لنا خاصة

And in this period it has been made halal for us (shias) in that we may use/spend it as we want due to the generosity and favor for us (shias) specifically.

Taken from:

الحدائق الناضرة - المحقق البحراني - ج ١٢ - الصفحة ٤٣٨

Al Hadaiq al Nadhirah by Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani (ra), Volume 12, Page 438

الأقوال في حكم الخمس في زمن الغيبة

الثاني - القول بسقوطه كما نقله شيخنا المتقدم في صدر عبارته، وهو مذهب سلار على ما نقله عنه في المختلف وغيره، قال بعد أن ذكر المنع من التصرف
فيه زمن الحضور إلا بإذنه عليه السلام: وفي هذا الزمان قد حللونا بالتصرف فيه كرما
وفضلا لنا خاصة. واختار هذا القول الفاضل المولى محمد باقر الخراساني في الذخيرة
وشيخنا المحدث الصالح الشيخ عبد الله بن صالح البحراني وسيجئ نقل كلاميها ومستندهم فيه أخبار التحليل المتقدمة وسيجئ الكلام معهما فيه إن شاء الله تعالى، وهذا القول مشهور الآن بين جملة من المعاصرين

The rulings on khums during ghayba

The second (ruling) is the ruling of its cancellation as is quoted by our shaikh at the start of his text, and it is the madhab of Salar (Shaikh Salar ad Daylami) based upon what he quoted from him in al Mukhtalif and others, he stated after he mentioned that it is forbidden to partake in it (khums) in the time of his (Imam's) presence without his (Imam's) permission: And in this period it has been made halal (permissible) for us in that we exercise our authority on it due to the generosity and favor for us (shias) specifically.
And this ruling was adopted by the worthy master Muhammad Baqir al Khurasani in al Dhakhirah and our shaikh, the righteous muhadith, Shaikh Abdullah b. Saleh al Bahrani. 
And there is to come (in the upcoming sections) quotations of their rulings and their basis of ahadith deeming khums to be halal for the shias which have already preceded, and this ruling (for cancellation of khums during ghayba) is popular among the majority of the contemporary scholars. 


  1. Salamu Alaikum

    By 'forbiden to part take in it' is the meaning, haram to pay khums to a marja, or then haram to partake in what the marja uses the khums for i.e. marja x opens a charity, in which he uses khums for example? I would like to hear your views.

    Salamu Alaikum

  2. @Anonymous: Wa'alaykum assalam,

    I think you slightly misunderstood, the 'forbiden to part take in it' part corresponds to the period when the Imam is present (NOT in ghayba). All shias agree that when the Imam himself is present then khums is to be given to the Imam himself (the issue of giving khums to marja is only applicable during ghayba of course).

    AFTER stating that part, the fatwa continues to list the ruling for the current age of ghayba, i.e. "And in this period it has been made halal (permissible) for us in that we exercise our authority on it. This is from the generosity and favor for us khasah (special ones/shias)."

    Basically our classical scholars such as Shaikh Salar ad Daylami (ra) had ruled that the obligation of payment of khums has been cancelled during ghayba, based on our ahadith (some of which I mentioned in the link on this post).


  3. As-salaamu 'alaykum,

    Is khums being halaal for the Shi'a during the ghayba referring to the portion of the 'Imaam (as) and/or the portion for the deserving among Bani Haashim?
    Also, would you consider translating the titles of the 19 chapters in Wasaail al Shi'a regarding khums, pretty please?
