Sunday 8 April 2012

Status of Ayesha and Hafsa

 قال محمد باقر المجلسي في كتابه ( بحار الأنوار ) (٢٢ / ٢٣٣ ) قوله تعالى : "ضرب الله مثلا "أقول : لا يخفى على الناقد البصير والفطن الخبير ما في تلك الآيات من التعريض بل التصريح بنفاق عايشة وحفصة وكفرهما

Allamah Baqir Majlisi wrote in Biharul Anwar (Volume 22, Page 233): "Allah (swt) says in Qur'an [Allah has cited for the kuffar the example of the wife of NuH and the wife of LuT.] (66:10), I (i.e. Allamah Baqir Majlisi) say: It is not a secret for the discerning critic (reader/observer) and the one who is clever and knowledgeable that what is mentioned in these verses is an exposure, in fact an explicit declaration of the hypocrisy of Ayeshah and Hafsah as well as their kufr (disbelief)." 
يقول شيخ الطائفة أبو جعفر الطوسي في (كتابه الاقتصاد فيما يتعلق في الاعتقاد ص 36):"عائشة كانت مصرة على حربها لعلي، ولم تتب وهذا يدل على كفرها وبقائها عليه

Shaikh al Taifa, Abu Ja'far al Tusi, wrote (in his book "al Iqtisad", page 36):"Ayesha was adamant upon waging war against Ali (as), and she did not repent. This proves her kufr and her remaining on it." 

كتاب الأربعين - محمد طاهر القمي الشيرازي

Kitab al Arba'een by Shaikh Muhammad Tahir al Qumi al Shirazi*

الدليل الأربعون [ما ورد في مثالب أعداء أهل البيت عليهم السلام] مما يدل على امامة أئمتنا الاثني عشر، أن عائشة كافرة مستحقة للنار، وهو مستلزم لحقية مذهبنا وحقية أئمتنا الاثني عشر، لأن كل من قال بخلافة الثلاثة اعتقد ايمانها وتعظيمها وتكريمها، وكل من قال بامامة الاثني عشر قال باستحقاقها اللعن والعذاب، فإذا ثبت كونها كذلك ثبت المدعى، لأنه لا قائل بالفصل.
وأما الدليل على كونها مستحقة للعن والعذاب، فإنها حاربت أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام وقد تواتر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله (حربك جربي) ولا ريب في أن حرب النبي صلى الله عليه وآله كفر
الصفحة ٦١٥

The fortieth proof (what has been reported on the shortcomings of the enemies of ahlulbayt) that evidences upon the imamah of our twelve Imams (as) is that Ayesha is a kafirah deserving of hellfire. It is a necessity of the reality of our religion and the reality of our twelve Imams (as), because all those who profess by the caliphate of the three believes that she was a believer and honors and respects her, while all those who profess by imamate of the twelve Imams (as) profess by her being deserving of la'nah and Allah (swt)'s punishment. So when her being like that is established, the point is proven, because no one claims a separation (of Ayesha from the issue). 

As for the evidence of her being deserving of la'nah and Allah (swt)'s punishment, so indeed she waged war against Ali (as) and there are mutawatir ahadith from the Prophet (pbuh) that "one who wars against you (i.e. Ali) wars against me.", and there is no doubt warring against the Prophet (pbuh) is kufr. (page 615)

ومما يدل على كفرها وكفر حفصة: أنهما تظاهرها على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، وشبههما الله بامرأة نوح وامرأة لوط، وهما كافرتان. وقد تضمن ما ذكرناه سورة التحريم
الصفحة ٦٢٦

And what evidences upon her (Ayesha's) kufr and the kufr of Hafsa is that they expressed it upon the Prophet (pbuh), and Allah (swt) likened them to the wives of Nuh (as) and Loot (as) who were kafir. What we have mentioned is recorded in Surah al Tahreem. (page 626)

*Translator's note: Shaikh Muhammad Tahir al Qumi al Shirazi was among the teachers of Allama Baqir Majlisi and Shaikh Hurr al Amili. He has been praised by giant scholars such as Muhadith Noori, Shaikh Muhammad Ardbili (author of the famous rijal book "jami al ruwat""), as well as his students Allama Majlisi and Shaikh Hurr al Amili.

وقال يوسف البحراني في كتابه (الشهاب الثاقب
في بيان معاني الناصب صــ 236) عن أم المؤمنين عائشة رضي الله عنها:"إنما ارتدت بعد موته صلى الله عليه وسلم كما ارتد ذلك الجم الغفير المجزوم بإيمانهم سابقا

Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani said regarding Ayesha: "Indeed she apostatized after the death of the Prophet (pbuh) like the plethora of people (the sahaba) who apostatized before."


  1. Where is the reference for the last statement? (Shaikh yusuf al Bahrani)

  2. @Anonymous: It's from Shihab al Thaqib (page 236). I've updated the post to include the ref.

  3. Read the Koran you stupid rafizi. You are the one who is kafir!

    33:6) The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their (believers') mothers


    1. So are the wife of Prophet Nuh (a.s) and wife of Prophet Lut (a.s) also Umm-ul-Momineen? Both women (who were wives of two noble Prophets) will burn in Hell reveals the fact that being wife of Prophet does not save one from Hell.

    2. They(i.e. the wifes of Prophet Nuh(as) und Lut(as)) never called like the wifes of Muhammad (sav), as mother of the believers, my dear.

  4. Lol you miskeen rafizi! When does the koran say that wives of Prophet Lut and Prophet Nooh were ummul momineen?? Don't compare Prophet Muhammad's wives to their wives.

    Koran clearly mentions Prophet Muhammad's wives are ummul momineen. So whoever calls them kafir is himself kafir like you rafizi.

  5. @ Bhooka_bhairiya good work. Could u quote some more ?

  6. Mothers of the believers only means you they cannot get married again, check out this article:

    It has scans for the references to prove that it's there.

  7. @abbas

    Very bad and sad post on the blog revistingthesalaf.

    Mothers of the believers means you can not get married with them, but also like Ibn Kathir mentioned :

    { وَأَزْوَٰجُهُ أُمَّهَـٰتُهُمْ } أي: في الحرمة والاحترام، والتوقير والإكرام والإعظام

    In Tafsir Jalalayn it's also mentioned:

    قوله: (في حرمة نكاحهن عليهم) أي والتعظيم والاحتراك والبر

    And the prohibition is mentioned in Verse 33:53 was revealed, because someone wanted to
    marry Aisha (ra) after the Prophet (pbuh), not 33:06 !

    The mother of believers are onle mother of believers and not the mothers of the kuffar !

  8. ^Yet, Aa'isha waged a war against many people who considered her an Ummul mu'mineen during her expedition against 'Imaam `Ali (a). She in fact killed many of what would be considered her children

  9. She never waged war against people who considered her as Umm al-Mumineen.

    However, Allah adresses Aisha(ra) as mother of the believers in the Holy Quran 33:06.

    Now who ever calls her as apostate or hypocrite is himself a kafir and murtad.

    1. This answers it.

      So Imam Ali (as) also did not consider her as Umm Al-Mumineen .. right...
      So you would at-least follow Imam Ali (as)

  10. He also consider her as mothers of believers !
