Friday 6 April 2012

Powers of the Imams (as)

طرائف المقال - السيد علي البروجردي - ج ٢ هامش ص ٣٥٧

Taraiful Maqal by Ayatullah Burujerdi, Volume 2, Footnote on page 357 by Allama Syed Mehdi Rijai

ففي الصحيح عن عبد الله بن مسكان قال: دخل حجر بن زائدة وعامر بن خزاعة الأزدي على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام فقال له: جعلنا فداك ان المفضل بن عمر يقول: أنكم ترزقون ارزاق العباد، إلى أن قال: لعنه الله وأبرز منه قال: أفنلعنه ونتبرء منه؟ قال: نعم

It has been reported in a sahih (authentic) hadith (in Rijal Kashi, Volume 2, Page 614)  from Abdullah b. Muskan, who said: Hajar b. Zaidah and Aamir b. Khaza'a al Azdi entered upon abi Abdullah (as) and said to him: "May we be your ransom, indeed al Mufadal b. Umar says that you people (i.e. the Imams) provide rizq (sustenance/blessings) to the people."......Imam (as) said: "Allah (swt) la'nah (damnation) be on him, I dissociate from him." Narrator asked: "Should we also say la'nah on him and dissociate from him?" Imam (as) said: "Yes!"

   جاء في كتاب رجال "الكشي ص 225 " قول جعفر بن محمد الصادق : ( فو الله ما نحن إلا عبيد الذي خلقنا واصطفانا ، وما نقدر على ضر ولا نفع ، وإن رُحمنا فبرحمته ، وإن عُذبنا فبذنوبنا ، والله مالنا على الله حجة ولا معنا من براءة ، وإنا لميتون ومقبورون ومنشورون ومبعوثون وموقوفون ومسؤولون ، ويلهم مالهم لعنهم الله فقد آذوا الله وآذوا رسوله في قبره وأمير المؤمنين وفاطمة والحسن والحسين وعلي بن الحسين ومحمد بن علي صلوات الله   أشهدكم أني امرؤ ولدني رسول الله وما معي براءة من الله إن أطعته رحمني وإن عصيته عذبني عذابا شديدا

It has been reported in Rijal Kashi (Page 225) that Imam Ja'far al Sadiq (as) said: "By Allah! We are not but slaves of the one who created us and chose us, and we do not have control over (any) harm or benefit, and if we are shown mercy so it is by His rahmah (mercy/grace), and if we are punished then it is due to our own sins, by Allah we do not have a hujjah (overwhelming argument) upon Allah (to hold Him obliged) and no means of prevention from His turning (His mercy) away, and indeed we will definitely die, be buried, be gathered/spread out (on qiyamah), resurrected, raised and questioned. Torment/disaster be for them! What is wrong with them?! Allah (swt)'s la'nah (damnation) be on them! (i.e. on those who claim otherwise) They have certainly hurt (angered) Allah (swt), His prophet (pbuh) in his grave, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Hussain, Zainul Abideen and al Baqir. Be witness you people that I have ordered my progeny of the prophet(pbuh), and none is with me (to protect) from bar'ah (dissociation) of Allah. If I obey Him then He will bless me and if I disobey Him then He will severely punish me."


  1. first hadeeth is not saheeh. Sheik asif al-Muhsini said this hadeeth is majhool (unkown), see: "Muashara Bihar al-Anwar", 1/459

  2. second hadith daeef (weak) also. isnad second hadith this:

    و بهذا الإسناد [حدثني محمد بن قولويه و الحسين بن الحسن بن بندار القمي، قالا حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، قال حدثني] عن الحسن بن موسى الخشاب، عن علي بن الحسان، عن عمه عبد الرحمن بن كثير، قال، : قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام

    al-Kashi r.a, "Rijal", 3/244, hadith 401

    Abdarrahman b. Kasir is daeef (see: Sayyed al-Khoei, "Mujam", 10/373, narrator 6440) and Ali b. Hassan is liar (see: al-Kashi, "Rijal", 5/452, № 851).
