Wednesday 24 July 2013

Reason behind Imam Hasan's numerous marriages and divorces

 Explanation for the previous post: Marriages and divorces of Imam Hasan (as)

الحدائق الناضرة - المحقق البحراني - ج ٢٥ - الصفحة ١٤٨

Hadaiq al Nadra by Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani, Volume 25 Page 148

بقي هنا إشكال وهو أنه قد تكاثرت الأخبار بأن الحسن (عليه السلام) كان رجلا مطلاقا للنساء حتى عطب به أبوه علي (عليه السلام) على ظهر المنبر.
ومن الأخبار في ذلك ما رواه في الكافي عن عبد الله بن سنان في الموثق عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) " قال: إن عليا (عليه السلام) قال وهو على المنبر: لا تزوجوا الحسن، فإنه رجل مطلاق، فقام إليه رجل من همدان فقال: بلى والله أزوجه، وهو ابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وابن أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) فإن شاء أمسك وإن شاء طلق ".
وعن يحيى بن أبي العلاء عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) " قال: إن الحسن بن علي (عليهما السلام) طلق خمسين امرأة فقام علي (عليه السلام) بالكوفة فقال: يا معاشر أهل الكوفة لا تنكحوا الحسن (عليه السلام) فإنه رجل مطلاق، فقام إليه رجل فقال: بلى والله أنكحنه إنه ابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وابن فاطمة (عليه السلام) فإن أعجبته أمسك، وإن كره طلق ".
وروى البرقي في كتاب المحاسن عن ابن محبوب عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله " قال: أتى رجل أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) فقال له: جئتك مستشيرا إن الحسن والحسين وعبد الله بن جعفر خطبوا إلي فقال أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام): المستشار مؤتمن، أما الحسن فإنه مطلاق للنساء، ولكن زوجها الحسين فإنه خير لابنتك ".
وربما حمل بعضهم هذه الأخبار على ما تقدم في سابقها من سوء خلق في أولئك النساء أو نحوه مما يوجب أولوية الطلاق، ولا يخفى بعده، لأنه لو كان كذلك لكان عذرا شرعيا، فكيف ينهى أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) عن تزويجه والحال كذلك.
وبالجملة فالمقام محل إشكال، ولا يحضرني الآن الجواب عنه، وحبس القلم عن ذلك أولى بالأدب

The problem that remains is that ahadith have been reported in extremely vast numbers that Imam al Hasan (as) was a man who used to frequently divorce women, to the point that even his own father Imam Ali (as) blasted him for this publicly from the top of the pulpit. The ahadith that have been reported on this matter include:

Muwathaq (authentic) hadith in Kafi, from Abdullah b. Sinan, reporting from Abi Abdillah (as) who said: " Indeed Ali (as) said, while he was on the pulpit: "Do not arrange marriage with al Hasan, for indeed he is a man who constantly divorces." So a man from Hamdan stood up then said: "Rather, by Allah (swt) we will definitely arrange marriage with him, he is the son/progeny of the Prophet (pbuh) and the son of commander of the faithful, so if he wishes he may keep and if he wishes he may divorce."

And from Yahya b. al 'Ala reporting from Abi Abdillah (as) who said:  "Indeed al Hasan b. Ali (as) divorced fifty women, so Imam Ali (as) ascended the pulpit and said: O people of Kufa! Do not arrange marriage with al Hasan, for indeed he is a man who constantly divorces." So a man from Hamdan stood up then said: "Rather, by Allah (swt) we will definitely arrange marriage with him, he is the son/progeny of the Prophet (pbuh) and the son of Fatima, so if he wishes he may keep and if he wishes he may divorce."

And al Barqi narrated in his book, al Mahasin, from ibn Mahboob, from Abdullah b. Sinan from abi Abdullah (as) who said: A man came to Ali (as), so he said to him (as): "I have come to seek advise whether I should propose to Hasan, Hussain or Abdullah b. Ja'far?" So Ali (as) said: "(Speaking as) The trusted adviser, as for Hasan, so indeed he divorces women a lot, instead arrange marriage with Hussain for indeed he is good for your daughter."

And sometimes some scholars have interpreted these ahadith to be with regards to ill mannered women or those with other bad characteristics which would necessitate divorce, however, the weakness of this excuse is not inevident. After all, if the situation was like that then it would be a perfectly valid reason for divorce, so why would Imam Ali (as) have to forbid people from arranging marriage with Imam Hasan (as) in that case?

All  in all, this is a  problematic issue, and I simply do not have an answer for it at the moment, and halting the pen from righting further on this topic is best in terms of respect for Imam Hasan (as).


  1. Refuted.

    1. Your Link doesnt refute the Shia sources. It only gives logical explanation and refutes the Ahadith in the Sunni books.
      Indeed as Sheikh Bahrani mentioned the best course of action is to be silent on the issue (and wait for the Imams (as) statement on it)

    2. So you are supporting this nasibi bhooka?

    3. I am supporting Ahadith of AhlulBayt (as) which came to us thru their Shias. I dont support logical self-made explanations or Ahadith from Sunni sources.
      Which of these two do you support?

      Do you want to believe something and then try to find proof for it?
      Or do you try to find the proof and then believe in it?

      Also do you even know what a Nasibi is? Do you know how much weight that word carries? What are you, running around calling fellow Shias as Nasibis? Do you not leave any room for opinion and start calling someone a Kafir or a Nasibi just cause he posts things which dont fit into your view?

      I say:
      If it was really the case that Imam Hassan (as) married 300 woman troughout his life and divorced all of them the next day. If all those 300 woman were my daughters I would also give my 301 daughter to Imam Hassan (as)!
      This is what Tashayyu is! Not your self made religion with your own cultural thinking which you have brought into the religion. Did you not read what that man from Hamdan answered Amir al Muminin (as):" Rather, by Allah (swt) we will definitely arrange marriage with him, he is the son/progeny of the Prophet (pbuh) and the son of commander of the faithful, so if he wishes he may keep and if he wishes he may divorce."

    4. ^^^Mashallah! Just mashallah! Can't say this enough.

    5. @Anonymous: "If it was really the case that Imam Hassan (as) married 300 woman troughout his life and divorced all of them the next day. If all those 300 woman were my daughters I would also give my 301 daughter to Imam Hassan (as)!"

      ^^I am sure this is just lip service. Its easy to just say such a thing, but if you had daughters or were a woman yourself only then you would know how bad it is for the woman to get divorced, that too without good reason.

      It is for this reason that our scholars completely reject these ahadith, which for some reason bhooka keeps on posting for propaganda purposes.

  2. LOL@Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani!

    This fool bhooka doesn't even realise that us shias follow marajs i.e. Ayatullah al udhmas, not just any shaikh! Yes, we respect the local shaikhs, but they are not our marjas.

    Seriously, what's up with bhooka always quoting this obscure 'shaikh' Yusuf al Bahrani all the time for his controversial articles? And who is this bahraini shaikh anyway, does anyone have his lectures or his website?

    On one hand this idiot bhooka used to bark against resident alims/shaikhs all the time on SC, and on his blog he always keeps quoting this unknown bahraini shaikh as if he is a final authority on us.

    1. You know there is a modern invention called 'google', it can be a very useful tool when information is needed, if can also help people avoid making themselves look foolish.

      People like Yusuf al-Bahrani have gone down in history and their reputation has stood the test of time, 8/10 of the modern maraji aren't even remembered 10 years after they pass away.

    2. Shoaib look how quickly you became the fool for not knowing who Sheikh Bahrani is... Learn from this and start asking yourself if you even have enough knowledge to understand what is being posted and discussed here.
      You are so far away from being open minded. You were taught that Marjas are the proof for your religion. You follow them no matter what. If someone comes to you and says "Look maybe your Marja did a mistake" you denounce him no matter what.
      I know people like you. You have worshipped Marjas to an extent that you made them infallible in all but name. Marjas never do mistakes. They are always right. You dont need to quote Quran and AhlulBayt (as) just quote "Marja" this is what you believe isnt it? So pronounce what is inside you and stop playing games with yourself.
      You worship the scholars because you follow them even if they make halal to haram or haram to halal. Just as Jews and Christians worshipped their scholars.
      This idiotic ideology that scholars are the elite class who are the only ones that are allowed to read Hadith and derive rulings and of course they need at least 30 years studying for that, is sickening! Makes me sick really! Just leave everyone be idiots. We can be the perfect Shii if we follow a Marja and never read one Hadith in our entire life. Marjas can do that for us. They are the only ones who know.
      Tell me after which Prophet exactly did Allah (swt) praise his followers for following the elite class scholars in everything they say? Where did this blind scholar following come from? Who told you to do this? Scholars and Fuqaha in the times of the Imams (as) were nothing else then transmitters of Hadith. If Imam (as) was not available people asked their companions (Fuqaha, scholar in modern terms) and he would quote them the Hadith by which they ruled. Today of course the Risalah amaliya is all you need right? No matter if a Hadith goes against a Ruling in the Risalah, its always "Do you think the marja doesnt know this Hadith? Maybe there is another Hadith"...Well guess what, there is no other Hadith, thats only what you tell yourself so you can calm your nafs and still blindly follow anyone who calls himself "Ayatullah al udhma". Great Sign of God. Sickening really!!! When did Imams (as) tell their Shias to call themselves Great Signs of God? Really Sickening!

  3. Did anyone count how many years, and how much time it would have taken to organize these weddings and divorces ?

    That makes about one wedding each month during all his life.

    Was he not busy with other things than that ?

    1. Aashiq e Imam Hasan6 August 2013 at 23:30

      Why would it be a time consuming issue? These lengthy (and extremely expensive) wedding rituals and celebrations as well as the lengthy legal proceedings of divorce are only a modern phenomenon. Those days, especially with Imams who followed islam not foolish cultures, weddings and divorces were very fast and simple stuff.

      Anyway, ahadith say what they say, if someone wants to be a escapist and deny reality then ok.

  4. Lol, all these myths by bhooka have been completely refuted in this thread:

    I DARE bhooka if he has the guts to go on the above thread and debate me and others there on this topic, instead of just posting things in the air on his own blog where noone can refute him.

    1. Weak modern Rijali refutation in that thread.
      You you think Sheikh Kulayni and Sheikh Bahrani were unknown idiots who didnt know so they put these Ahadith and dont reject them in their books?
      You can play this rijal game all night long, at the end of the day. Imam Hassan (as) according to Ahadith got divorced many times.
      And if you have a modern westenized mindset you will think that this is something bad ascribed to him. But if you are truly Hassani then you will see that its something good and He (as) can do what he wants where he wants with the woman.

  5. When will you Rawaafidh use your brains and at least believe in your own books. So many qara'in that the Imams are NOT infallible. Another example RIGHT in front of your eyes. Well, Ali WARNED against his OWN son (in terms of marriage) because Imam Al-Hassan wasn't the best to be chosen as a spouse! There are examples where the Prophet (peace be upon him) WARNED women to marry a CERTAIN Sahaba. Now does this mean that the Sahabi is degraded?! Certainly not, he is still better than us (if he believed in the Prophet and died upon Islam i.e. a Sahabi). Same goes with Al-Hassan, he was NOT infallible, in fact not even the best SPOUSE to have, nevertheless he is our master but not infallible, but batini Rawafidh will never accept nor understand these simple facts I guess.

    1. Oh ignorant Anonymous!
      Hassan (as) is the grandson of the best of creatures and the son of Amir al Muminin (as). He has the perfect knowledge of Islam and its rulings. He neither makes a minor nor a major sin. If he marries 100 woman and divorces 100 woman he still doesnt make minor, nor major sins. He still is one of the best of creatures.
      This story doesnt contradict the belief of Isma in a slightest bit. Is it a sin to divorce a 100 woman? Is it a sin for a father to tell people not to marry their woman to his son?
      Exactly this great part of the story you should grasp:
      "بلى والله أزوجه، وهو ابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وابن أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) فإن شاء أمسك وإن شاء طلق "

  6. I wish the true Shia who are not messed up by the lies of the culture and conjecture of the people. Come together from all over the world especially America and UK and establish true Masjid of Allah and we truly follow our CORRECT ISLAM. Not this innovation and kufr that has became this religion. I left sunni Islam not to follow your Indian, Pakistani, Iraqi, Iranian culture NO I DID NOT! Ileft to follow Quran and Sunnah according to the Imams of the Muslims whom Allah established not man.. But you Shia are corrupted but its not you that make me Shia its the command of Allah and Rasul.. O.true Shia of Ali.come out establish yourself and i promise you that the people will say "They are the true followers of Nabi Muhammad and Ali , they are the lovers of Fatima", distinguish ourselves from the bidda through that unity will be established with sunni so that they too will become true Shia!!

  7. The saddest part it is when you steer away from what the holy prophet peace be upon him directed you to and listen to all sorts of ahadith by others rather than the ones narrated by the doorway to knowledge and the Ahlebait, you never get it right. The Abbasids, the horrible ummayids were munafiqs. They would stop at nothing to defame all those the Prophet pbuh declared openly as dearest to him and dearest to The Almighty swt. Just imagine how opposite these slanders are to what is the actual truth. Please do your own unbiased research. The event of Mubahilah, Ghadir, being called the Sardarane Jannat by the Holy Prophet pbuh. The ayat in the Quran about the Ahlebait. So when you enter houses and cities not by the entrance told to you clearly by your own Prophet pbuh. You lose your way. That’s why durod is wajib on the aale Mohammad in namaz. So next time be careful before you believe anything that is said against any of them before you read a little background research on Islamic history through the right sources. Allahumma salle ala Mohammadin wa aale Mohammad
