Tuesday 22 October 2013

Is wife allowed to visit terminally ill father?

في خبر عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبي عبد الله
 إنّ رجلاً من الأنصار على عهد رسول الله خرج في بعض حوائجه فعهد إلى امرأته عهداً ألا تخرج من بيتها حتى يقدم. قال: وإنّ أباها مرض، فبعثت المرأة إلى النبي| فقالت: إنّ زوجي خرج وعهد إليّ أن لا أخرج من بيتي حتى يقدم، وإنّ أبي قد مرض، فتأمرني أن أعوده؟ فقال رسول الله|: لا، اجلسي في بيتك وأطيعي زوجك، قال: فثقل، فأرسلت إليه ثانياً بذلك، فقالت: فتأمرني أن أعوده؟ فقال: اجلسي في بيتك وأطيعي زوجك، قال: فمات أبوها، فبعثت إليه: إن أبي قد مات، فتأمرني أن أصلّي عليه؟ فقال: لا، اجلسي في بيتك وأطيعي زوجك. قال: فدفن الرجل، فبعث إليها رسول الله|: إنّ الله قد غفر لك ولأبيك بطاعتك لزوجك

الكافي 5: 513؛ ودعائم الإسلام 2: 215 ـ 216؛ وكتاب من لا يحضره الفقيه 3: 441 ـ 442؛ والراوندي، النوادر:200 , مكارم الأخلاق: 216

أما في مصادر الإمامية فإنّ طريق الكليني ضعيف بعبد الله بن القاسم الحضرمي، حيث هو رجل ضعيف متهم، لكنّ الظاهر صحّة الطريق الثاني للحديث نفسه في mالفقيهnللصدوق، من هنا يمكن اعتبار هذا الحديث صحيح السند، خلافاً للعلامة فضل الله الذي رغم إشارته إلى وجود طريقٍ للصدوق، ركّز على ضعف الحديث سنداً، مستدلاً بضعف الحضرمي، دون تعليق على سند الصدوق

Abdullah b.Sinan reported from Abi Abdillah (as): "In the Prophet (pbuh)'s period, a man from the Ansar went on travel to fulfill some of his needs. So he took a strict oath from his wife that she would not leave the house until he returns. Meanwhile her father became sick. So the woman sent a message to the Prophet (pbuh), 'My husband has left for travel and put me on oath that I will not leave my home until he returns, but now my father has become sick, so do you allow me to break my oath?'. The Prophet (pbuh) replied: 'No! Sit in your home and obey your husband!'. Then the woman's father became even more sick, so she sent the Prophet (pbuh) a message again 'Can you please now allow me to break my oath?'. The Prophet (pbuh) replied: 'Just sit in your home and obey your husband.' Then the woman's father died, so she sent a message to the Prophet (pbuh): 'My father has died, do you allow me to attend his prayers?' Prophet (pbuh) replied: 'Absolutely not! Sit in your home and obey your husband.' When her father was buried, the Prophet (pbuh) sent a message to that woman: 'Allah has forgiven the sins of you and your father, due to your obedience to your husband.' 

Source: Al Kafi by Shaikh Kulaini Vol 5 page 513, Man la Yahduruhul faqih by Shaikh Sadooq Vol 3 page 441-442, Nawadir of Rawandi page 200, Makarimul Akhlaq by Shaikh Tabrisi page 216, Da'aimul Islam by Qadi Nu'man Vol 2 page 215-216)


Ayatullah Haider Hobollah: (Amal al Mar'ah) Sahih

قال إمام الأمة الراحل - عليه الرحمة - في تحرير الوسيلة ج 2 ص 303:
( و من حقه عليها أن تطيعه و لا تعصيه و لا تخرج من بيتها إلا بإذنه و لو إلى أهلها حتى لعيادة والدها أو في عزائه

Ayatullah Khomeini wrote in 'Tahreerul Waseelah' (Volume 2 page 303): "And among the the husband's rights upon the wife is that she must obey him and never disobey him, as well as not leave her house except by his permission even to visit her family; not even if she needs to go for attending to her sick father or to attend his funeral."


  1. bhooka, do you honestly think the prophet would act in such an inhumane manner?

  2. Omg here it goes again. Do you people actually read what the brother posts or do you just have your own thinking and want the Prophet (s) to act as you would.

    1. So there is no place for humanity in your religion, and such behavior can now be justified in the name of religion?

  3. 'Abdullah ibn Al-Qasim is in the chain of this Hadith bhooka, both najashi and ibn al-ghadha'iri called him a liar and dha'if (respectively), and 'Allamah Majlisi graded this hadith as dha'if in mir'at al-'uqul 20/328, and I'm not saying this because I'm crying about the matan and being extreme.

    1. Salam brother irshad,

      You are correct about Abdullah b. Qasim al Hadrami, due to which from a modern rijali perspective it could be argued that the chain of this hadith in kafi is daif. But this hadith has sahih tareeq in Man la yahduruhul Faqih, and the grading I quoted is for that (i.e. al Faqih, not Kafi). Shaikh Haider Hobollah (a very senior professor of ilm al rijal and history, and a very strict rijali) whose grading I listed has explained this point in his article (http://hobbollah.com/include/maqalat.php?mod=6&cat1=6&id=131). In fact, I copied the relevant passage (about the hadith's sanad) in this post, below the hadith and its sources (it is in smaller font and greyed out, i didnt translate it as I had posted that bit only for advanced readers who can understand it themselves, you probably missed it due to its smaller font and light color). Here it is again if you need:

      أما في مصادر الإمامية فإنّ طريق الكليني ضعيف بعبد الله بن القاسم الحضرمي، حيث هو رجل ضعيف متهم، لكنّ الظاهر صحّة الطريق الثاني للحديث نفسه في mالفقيهnللصدوق، من هنا يمكن اعتبار هذا الحديث صحيح السند، خلافاً للعلامة فضل الله الذي رغم إشارته إلى وجود طريقٍ للصدوق، ركّز على ضعف الحديث سنداً، مستدلاً بضعف الحضرمي، دون تعليق على سند الصدوق([84]).


    2. So you think you know more than Allama Majlisi, who graded this hadith daeef?

    3. Salam alaikum brother Bhooka did sheikh saduq take this hadith from the book(asl) of Ubayd Allah b. 'Ali al-Halabi?

  4. Thanks Bhooka for the quote of Sh. Hobbollah, I skipped over the Arabic under the Hadith so didn't read it. My mistake in that case, but to the people arguing that this is unfair, harsh, cruel, etc. of the Prophet (sawa), it isn't you need to think about these ahadith before commenting. Allah and his messenger know better, and they knew the reward of this woman if she obeyed her husband. Also it's a wife's duty to obey her husband as per the Qur'an so this is nothing disagreeable. Ahadith aren't stories you can deny if you don't like what they're saying.

    1. So we should just concentrate on the sanad and completely ignore the matn of the hadith to determine its authenticity? Just because this hadith has sahih sanad we should now condone such inhumane behaviour? Does this make any sense? If such mentality prevails, then how can we blame critics of Islam who accuse it of being anti women?

    2. And also, does the author bhooka have any scholarly credentials? Has he graduated, or even BEEN to a hawza ever? If not then who gave him the authority to act like a scholar by copy pasting hadith all the time?

    3. Does it matter whether he's a hawza grad or not? If you don't agree with his article, then academically refute what he's said. Focus on the message, not the medium

    4. Sajjad Rizvi:
      Who defines what inhumane is and what humane is? Who defines what is unfair and fair? Who defines what is anti-woman behaviour and what isnt?
      The very basis of Islam is to submit to God and his messengers. God and his messenger define what humane and fair is. Not you and me.
      IF (!) this behaviour in the Hadith is the definition of humane and piousness then who are you and me to argue about that?
      Your objection about the Matn becomes irrelevant. Since we should only crosscheck for contratictions against the Quran. There is no contradiction in there whatsoever. There seems to be only a contradiction against your own definition of what is right and wrong. Where does this definition stem from?
      Ask yourself these imporant questions. It seems you, and many other regular visitors of this blog, havent really understood the basic tenet of Islam, which is to set your own thinking aside and submit to the will and the rules of God and his messengers.

  5. This hadith is true i believe and those that say the prophet was inhumane are crazy. He gave her and the father paradise due to her obedience. I'll rather want that then some visit if i was the father o cuturally people who claim to be Shia you are not.. I submit to hadith of my masters. .
