Friday 3 March 2017

Salat al Wahsha (Namaz e wahshat) and its analysis

موقع سماحة العلامة الشيخ محمد العبيدان القطيفي

Shaikh Muhammad al Obaidan al Qatifi's* website

*Shaikh al Obaidan is a Saudi scholar, who studied bahth al kharij (advanced hawza studies) under Ayatullah Wahid Khorassani and Ayatullah Jawad Tabrizi for fiqh and usool, Ayatullah Kamal al Haidery for philosophy and Ayatullah Muslim al Dawri for rijal.

وهي المعروفة بصلاة الهدية، أو صلاة الوحشة، وقد جرت عادة الكثير من الفقهاء ذكر هذه الصلاة ضمن الصلوات المستحبة، ولا بأس بالإشارة إليها بصورة موجزة.
'Salat laylah al dafan' (prayer of the burial night) is also commonly known as 'salat al hadiyah' (the prayer gift [for the deceased]) and 'salat al wahshah' (prayer for [easing] loneliness [of the deceased in his grave]). It is common among many of the scholars to mention this prayer, along with other mustahab (recommended) prayers. Here is a brief analysis of it.
لا يخفى أنه ليس لهذه الصلاة ذكر في شيء من كتب قدماء الأعلام، فلم يتعرض لها المفيد، ولا المرتضى، ولا الشيخ في شيء من كتبهم، حتى أن الشيخ(ره) لم يذكرها في كتابه المصباح والذي قد أعده لمثل هكذا أعمال من الصلوات المستحبة والزيارات والدعوات.
It is not a secret that this prayer has found no mention anywhere in the books of the classical scholars. Neither Shaikh Mufid (413 AH), Syed al Murtada (436 AH) or Shaikh Tusi (460 AH) mention it anywhere in their books. Shaikh Tusi did not even mention it in his book 'Misbahul Mutahajjid', which contains many similar mustahab prayers, ziarat and supplications.
كما أنها لم ترد في شيء من المصادر الحديثية الأصلية المعتمدة، فلم يذكرها الكليني(ره)، ولم ترد في شيء من كتب الصدوق(ره)، كما لم يتعرض لها الشيخ(ره) في تهذيبه.
It does not appear anywhere among the classical primary books of ahadith either. Neither did Shaikh Kulaini (329 AH) mention it, nor is it found anywhere in the books of Shaikh Saduq (310 AH). Shaikh Tusi did not mention it in his 'tahdhibul ahkam' either.
والظاهر أن أول ظهور لها كان في عصر السيد ابن طاووس، فقد ذكرها في كتابه فلاح السائل، حذيفة بن اليمان عن النبي(ص).
It seems it first appeared in the period of Syed ibn Tawus (664 AH), who mentioned it in his book 'Falah al Saeyl', quoting from Hudhaifa b. al Yaman who reported it from the Prophet (pbuh).*
ثم نقلها ممن بعده الكفعمي صاحب المصباح(ره)، فقد نقلها من كتاب الموجز لابن فهد الحلي، وهو قد نقلها عن النبي(ص). والرواية التي ذكرها في المصباح تغاير الرواية التي ذكرها السيد ابن طاووس، كما سيتضح عند نقل الروايتين.
After Ibn Tawus, it was mentioned by Shaikh al Kaf'ami (905 AH), author of 'Misbah'. He quoted it from Ibn Fahad al Hilli's book 'Al Mojiz', who in turn reported it from the Prophet (pbuh).* The narration that al Kaf'ami mentioned in 'al misbah' differs from the narration reported by Ibn Tawus, as would become clear shortly when the narrations are presented.
وقد أوجب خلو المصادر الفقهية والحديثية من الإشارة لهذه الصلاة، توقف بعض الأعلام في مشروعيتها، بل جزمه بكونها من الموضوعات، قال صاحب الحدائق(ره): لكن شرعية هذه الصلاة على هذا الوجه المخصوص من الكيفية والزمان وكمية العدد المشهور فيها، ونحو ذلك لما لم يثبت من طريق أهل البيت(ع)، فهو لا يخلو من احتمال البدعية، وعدم المشروعية، فإن العبادة وإن كانت من حيث كونها عبادة راجحة ومستحبة، لكن لو انضم إلى ذلك أمر آخر من التخصيص بكيفية مخصوصة أو زمان مخصوص أو نحو ذلك من المشخصات مع عدم ثبوت ذلك شرعاً فإنه يكون تشريعاً، ألا ترى أن الأخبار قد استفاضت بتحريم صلاة الضحى، مع كونها صلاة، والصلاة خير موضوع، إلا أنه لما انضم إلى ذلك تخصيص استحبابها بهذا الوقت المخصوص، والعدد المخصوص ونحو ذلك من الخصوصيات مع عدم ثبوت ذلك شرعاً حصلت الحرمة وصارت بدعة، والحكم كذلك في هذه الصلاة مع عدم ثبوت مشروعيتها على هذا الوجه المذكور عن أهل البيت(ع)، واحتمال كون تلك الأخبار من طرق العامة كما لا يخفى.
The lack of its presence in the books of fiqh and ahadith caused some of the scholars to not consider it permissible, and in fact feel certain that it is a fabrication. Shaikh Yusuf al Bahrani wrote in 'Hadaiq al Nadirah' (Vol 10, Page 547): "This prayer being prescribed in a particular fashion, for particular times and containing an ordained number of units as is commonly known; as well as other particulars of it none of which are established to be from ahlulbayt (as), makes it a likely bid'ah (innovation in religion) and impermissible. While acts of worship, due to virtue of being acts of worship, are encouraged and recommended, but if specific conditions are added to them; such as a specific way or time of offering, or anything similar to that which is not established to be ordained in Islamic law, this is then considered to be creating Islamic law by oneself. Have you not seen, numerous ahadith deem 'salat al duha' to be haram, despite it being a prayer and prayer being a good act, but since conditions have been added to it with regards to it being mustahab at a specific time, consisting of a certain number of units as well as other similar conditions which are not established to be ordained in Islamic law, thus salat al duha is deemed haram and a bid'ah. Therefore the same ruling applies to salat al wahshah, due to it not being established that the ahlulbayt(as) ordered praying it in this particular manner (i.e. as it is prayed these days), and it is highly likely that these ahadith [in shia books which describe how to pray salat al wahshah] originate from non-shia sources."

*Translator's note: Apart from salatul wahshah not being mentioned in books prior to the 7th century AH period of Syed Ibn Tawus, Ibn Tawus and Kafa'mi report it in mursal fashion as well, which makes the narrations of salatul wahshah even weaker.


  1. Just because a Saudi wahabi studied under our shia scholars does make him an authority on us. All our marjas recommend namaze wahshat and none have ever called it a bidat. So please keep this wahabi bidat declaring nonsense to yourself.

  2. Correction: i meant just because a Saudi wahabi studied under our shia scholars does NOT make him an authority on us.

    1. He is a Shi'i scholar who happens to be from Saudi Arabia.

  3. Are there any other views contrary to what the Shaykh has presented from any of the renowned Shia scholars on this issue?
    As a Shia,I personally posted this NAWAFIL Salaat on a platform shared with people of other schools of thought. I was asked to provide a hadith of the prophet on its admissibility, or else it is an innovation. I have not been able to find a hadith on it with a chain of narrators back to the prophet or Aimmah of Ahlul Bayt (as).
    If anyone has such a hadith I would appreciate receiving it. (
    The other questions I was asked are:
    Did the prophet or any of his companions ever pray such a prayer even though many people died in their time?
    Why is it that this is not reported in any hadith books of other schools of Islam?
