Sunday 30 April 2017

Attractive beards, allowed?

"Al Fikratil Hayyah fi Hukm Halqil Lahyah" by Ayatullah Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq al Sadr, Page 129 (Original Arabic page posted at the bottom of the post)

"It is important to point out in this regard: Keeping a beard is not always allowed, and in line with the spirit of Islam. Rather, it is contingent upon being not in emulation of the enemies of Islam - among the deviants or non-Muslims- be it the emulation of a person, group, society or organisation. So if for example a person is emulating [in beard style] the French; or Karl Marx, Sartre or Castro; then that is haram in Islam without any questions. Just as shaving the beard can be considered emulating the enemies of Islam, then so can keeping the beard in some cases, and we know that any emulation of the enemies of Islam is haram in Islamic law.

Therefore, it is obligatory for the mukallaf to avoid styling his beard in a fashion which encroaches upon the haram, and to keep the beard or enlengthen some of it in a way that this encroachment is avoided; so that he does not commit haram in the act of trying to follow Islam.

In fact, compared to what we described in terms of avoiding haram, just shaving the beard is much better than these deviant beard styles consisting of bad intentions and corruption; considering that shaving the beard is permissible in itself, while keeping these sorts of beards is haram without any question."

1 comment:

  1. How can shaving the beard be better than keeping it??? If it was so, then why do all the marjas keep beards? ??
