Wednesday 30 March 2011

Hawza curriculum and the graduating mujtahids/marjas

This is the description of hawza curriculum:
"The traditional subjects taught at a Hawza may be divided into the following:
1. Mantiq (Logic)
2. Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence)
3. Fiqh (Jurisprudence)
4. Tafsir al-Qur'an (Qur'an Exegesis)
5. 'Ulum al-Qur'an (Qur'an Sciences)
6. 'Ilm al-Hadith (The Study of Traditions)
7. 'Ilm ar-Rijal (Science of Narrators)
8. Tarikh (History)
9. Aqaid / Kalam (Theology)
10. Lugha (Language Studies)
11. Falsafa (Islamic Philosophy)
12. 'Irfan (Islamic Mysticism) "

So is this curriculum correct and should one follow the graduates of such institutions?

Al Tauheed 

وبهذا الاسناد، عن أبي بصير، قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: يهلك أصحاب الكلام، وينجو المسلمون إن المسلمين هم النجباء

And with this isnad, from Abi Baseer, said: Said Abu Abdullah (as): "People of kalam (theology) would perish, and the obedient/submitters(muslims) would be safe, indeed the obedient (muslims) they are of high character."  

Mustadrak al Wasail

لعلامة الاردبيلي في حديقة الشيعة: نقلا عن السيد المرتضى ابن الداعي الحسيني الرازي، بإسناده عن الشيخ المفيد، عن أحمد بن محمد بن الحسن بن الوليد، عن أبيه محمد بن الحسن، عن سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عبد الجبار، عن الامام الحسن العسكري (عليه السلام)، أنه قال لابي هاشم الجعفري: " يا أبا هاشم، سيأتي زمان على الناس وجوههم ضاحكة مستبشرة، وقلوبهم مظلمة متكدرة ، السنة فيهم بدعة، والبدعة فيهم سنة، المؤمن بينهم محقر، والفاسق بينهم موقر، أمراؤهم جاهلون جائرون، وعلماؤهم في أبواب الظلمة [ سائرون ] ، أغنياؤهم يسرقون زاد الفقراء، وأصاغرهم يتقدمون على الكبراء، وكل جاهل عندهم خبير، وكل محيل عندهم فقير، لا يميزون بين المخلص والمرتاب، لا يعرفون الضأن من الذئاب، علماؤهم شرار خلق الله على وجه الارض، لانهم يميلون إلى الفسلفة والتصوف، وأيم الله إنهم من أهل الحدول والتحرف، يبالغون في حب مخالفينا، ويضلون شيعتنا وموالينا، إن نالوا منصبا لم يشبعوا عن الرشاء، وإن خذوا عبدوا الله على الرياء، ألا إنهم قطاع طريق المؤمنين، والدعاة إلى نحلة الملحدين، فمن أدركهم فليحذرهم، وليصن دينه وإيمانه، ثم قال: يا أبا هاشم هذا ما حدثني أبي، عن آبائه جعفر بن محمد (عليهم السلام)، وهو من أسرارنا، فاكمته إلا عن أهله

Allama Ardbili in Hadiqat al shia: Copied from Al Syed al Murtadha ibn Da'i al Hussaini al Razi, with chains from al Shaikh al Mufid, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Hasan al Waleed, from his father Muhammad b. al Hasan, from Sa'd b. Abdullah, from Muhammad b. Abdullah, from Muhammad b. Abdul Jabbar, from al Imam al Hasan al Askari (as), that he (as) said to Abi Hashim al Ja'fri: "O Aba Hashim, a bad time will come upon the people their faces would be happily laughing, and their hearts dark and gloomy, the sunnah in them(would be) biddah, and the biddah in them (would be) sunnah, the momin (believer) between them would be worthless, and the fasiq (sinner) between them honorable, their rulers would be ignorant oppressors, and their scholars (would be present) in doors of darkness, their rich would be looting the belongings of the poor, and their young ones would be stepping ahead of their old ones, and every ignorant near (for) them would be knowledgeable, and every imposter near them would be faqir, there wouldn't be any distinction between sincere and the skeptical (bad aqidah people), they won't recognize the sheep from the wolves, their scholars would be the evilest creatures upon the face of Earth, for indeed they would be inclined towards philosophy and sufism, and by Allah(swt) indeed they're from people of ilhad(crossing boundaries/limits) and tahreef(distortion), doing exaggeration in love of our opponents, and misguiding our shias and mawalis,  if they're placed in an official position they won't be satiated with bribes, and if taken (power taken back) they would worship Allah (swt) upon showing off, indeed they would not be but tobbers of the path of believers, and callers to be limit crossers/atheists, so whoever finds/comes across them so should protect themselves and safeguard  their religion and faith", then (Imam(as)) said: "O Aba Hashim, this is what I heard from my father(as), from his forefathers Ja'far b. Muhammad (as), and it's from our secrets, so hide it except from its capable."


  1. As Salamu...

    I read hadith from our Imams (as) about la'n in your blog. Can you gave me the link please ?

    Thank you

  2. @Anonymous: Wasalam,

    I'm not sure about your question, because I haven't made any post about la'n. I did make one post about tabarra (which is different from la'n). It's here:

    I'd also made another post about status of non shias and someone had made a comment asking about la'n and I'd given a brief answer here:

    Let me know if that helps.
