Thursday 31 March 2011

Rejecting odd ahadith, allowed?

Al Sahih Min Kitab Basaer ad darajaat

حدثنا محمد بن الحسين (ثقة) عن محمد بن إسماعيل (ثقة) عن حمزة بن بزيغ (ثقة) عن علي [بن سويد] السائي (ثقة) عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام :
(أنه كتب إليه في رسالة ولا تقل لما بلغك عنّا أو نسب إلينا هذا باطل، وإن كنت تعرف خلافه فإنك لا تدري لم قلنا وعلى أي وجه وصفة )
* الحكم : صحيحة

Told us Muhammad b. al Hussain (trustworthy), from Muhammad b. Ismail (trustworthy) from Hamza b. Bazigh (trustworthy), from Ali [b. Suwaid] al Saai (trustworthy) from Abi al Hasan (as): That he (as) wrote to him in a message, "And don't say of what comes to you from us or is attributed to us "this is false", and (even) if you had known (up till now) its opposite for verily you do not know why we (as) said it and upon which/any of its point/aspect and attribute."

Ruling: Sahih (authentic)

1 comment:

  1. Not sahih

    the book basa'r darajat is not an authentic book.

