Thursday 10 May 2012

Who killed the Prophet (pbuh)?

قال المجلسي
إنَّ العياشي روى بسند معتبر عن الصادق :
أنَّ عائشة وحفصة لعنة الله عليهما وعلى أبويهما ,
قتلتا رسول الله بالسمِّ دبرتاه
حياة القلوب للمجلسي ج2/700 باب " در بيان رحلت آنحضرت "

Allama Baqir Majlisi wrote: "Indeed Shaikh al Ayyashi (in his Tafsir, Volume 1 Page 200, Hadith 152)* reported by an authentic sanad (chain of narration) from Imam Ja'far al Sadiq (as) that Ayesha and Hafsa, la'nah (damnation)* of Allah (swt) upon them and their fathers, murdered the Prophet (pbuh) by administering poison to him." (Source: Hayatul Qulub by Majlisi, Volume 2 Page 700, section "Account of the death of the Prophet")

*Translator's note: Here is the full hadith from Tafsir al Ayyashi, mentioned by Allama Baqir Majlisi above.

وروى العياشي في تفسيره (1/200 ح152 ): عن عبد الصمد بن بشير عن أبي عبد الله قال: تدرون مات النبي أو قتل إن الله يقول:{ أفإن مات أو قتل انقلبتم على أعقابكم } فسّم قبل الموت أنهما سقتاه قبل الموت فقلنا إنهما وأبوهما شر من خلق الله
وزاد على ذلك الكاشاني :
"يعني المرأتين لعنهما الله وأبويهما"
تفسير الصافي305/1

Shaikh al Ayyashi reported in his Tafsir (Volume 1 Page 200, Hadith 152): From Abdul Samad b. Bashir from Abi Abdullah(as) who said: "Do you know whether the Prophet(pbuh) died (a natural death) or was murdered? Indeed Allah (swt) says (in al Qur'an 3:144) ["If he (pbuh) dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)?"], he was poisoned before death, they both fed it (the poison) to him before death." We (narrator and his companions) said "Those 2 women and their fathers were the worst creation of Allah (swt)."

Mulla Faidh Kashani (author of the renowned tafsir, Tafsir al Safi) commented on this hadith: "This hadith is referring to the two women (i.e. Ayesha and Hafsa), la'nah (damnation)* of Allah (swt) upon them and their fathers." (Source: Tafsir al Safi by Mulla Faidh Kashani, Volume 1 Page 305)

*Translator's note: It should be noted that the la'nah is not an addition by the translator, they are the words of the respected authors themselves.


  1. Assalam,

    Waht is the authenticity of this hadith ?

  2. Wa'laikum assalam,

    Allama Baqir Majlisi (the famous author of Biharul Anwar) graded the sanad (chain of narration) of this hadith mu'atbar (reliable/authentic) in Hayatul Qulub.

    And as per the criteria of the classical scholars also this hadith is sahih. Shaikh Ayyashi (the author of tafsir ayyashi from which I quoted this hadith) was a leading shia muhadith and he considered this hadith and other ahadith that he included in his book to be sahih.


  3. Assalam bro,

    Barak Allahu fik for your answer

  4. Wow! Thank you very much for this post. I didn't know our hadith and big scholars also said such about aisha and hafsa. I thought it was only Yasir Habib propaganda.

    You need to post more of this stuff.

  5. Hmm Brother Sheikh Sadooq says otherwise in I'tiqadatu 'l-Imamiyyah (English Version A Shi'ite Creed)on Pg 88:

    Our belief concerning the Prophet is that he was poisoned during the expedition of Khaybar. The poison continued to be noxious to him until it cut his aorta and then he died from its effects.

    anyways brother do you have Arabic Version of Hayat al-Quloob online!!

  6. Salam aleikum

    I have the english translation of Hayat al Qulub available to me, and there Sheikh Majlisi says that most probably the Prophet (s) was poisoned during Khaybar and that there are some narrations which indicate that the two gave him poison and that is also a possibility. But he says that the first opinion is more probably.
    As I remember that are Sheikh Majlisis words himself.

    Maybe as the brother has posted here Al Majlisi just quoted a narration and even if authentic, other authentic narrations can counter them if there are more in number or come from better sources.

    What do you think?

    Wa aleikum salam

  7. @Abbas, Ibn Hasan and Anonymous: Assalamu alaikum all,

    Bro anonymous, this is strange because I rechecked "Hayatul quloob" and the chapter on the Prophet (pbuh)'s death, but I didn't find Majlisi saying that the first opinion (Prophet being murdered by poison at khaybar) is more probable. Yes, he does quote 2 authentic (according to him, not my personal grading) ahadith saying that the Prophet died from being poisoned at khaibar and being poisoned by jewish woman (first hadith quoted is from Basair al Darajat). In both those ahadith it is mentioned that he (pbuh) only took one morsel of the poisoned food, then the food miraculously informed him that it is poisoned, so he didnt eat further, but the poison from the first morsel pained him throughout his life. Then he quotes the authentic (again,according to him) hadith from Tafsir al Ayyashi saying that the Prophet was murdered due to poisoning by aisha and hafsa. He then reconciles the 2 views by suggesting that perhaps he was poisoned on both occasions, i.e. at khaibar as well as just before death by aisha and hafsa (so basically the poison by aisha and hafsa acted as the real catalyst for his death).

    Ibn Hasan, yes Shaikh Sadooq does mention the Prophet dying due to being poisoned at khaibar. I just want to point out that the intention of this post was not to show that there is an ijma on the Prophet being murdered by aisha and hafsa. That is obviously not the case, since as you yourself posted Shaikh Sadooq's view which is contrary to that. The point was just to show that the ahadith about the prophet being murdered by aisha and hafsa exist in our classical books and that some of our great scholars did rely on it, so as bro Abbas mentioned, it is not just a recent propaganda. There are several issues in tashayyu which have more than one strong opinions/views, and I believe shias have the right to be aware of both sides of the picture in all such issues, instead of one opinion being quickly brushed aside because it is not politically correct.

    Anyhow, since this is not a core issue of aqeeda at all, therefore it isn't necessary to speculate too much about it. As far as the status of ayesha and hafsa is concerned, regardless of this event, their status is as has been defined by our giant scholars, in this post:


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wa aleykumsalaam Brother,Thanks for sharing your view..anyways do you have hayatul Quloob Arabic Version Online

  10. @Ibn Hasan: No brother, sorry, I've been searching for a long time for an online Arabic translation (the original book is in Farsi) of it, but haven't yet found anything.


  11. Assalaamu `Alaykum,

    There is a prime example, why al-Majlisi's grading outside of Mir'aat al-`Uqool and Milaadh al-Akhyaar should not be taken. al-Ayyaashi's Tafseer has the full chains of narrators truncated, it was done by al-Ayyashi's student. So how can al-Majlisi say the sanad is mu`tabar (authentic), when there is no full chain of narrators given, rather the hadeeth should be graded as Mursal (disconnect chain of narrators).

    Wa `Alaykum Assalaam

  12. Assalamu Alaykum

    It looks like there are no AUTHENTIC shia Ahadeeth, that the prophet (pbuh) was poisoned by his wives and sahabah.
